Saturday, August 31, 2019

Choosing a Secondary Storage Essay

Introduction Nowadays, data is the lifeblood for today’s digital organization. The integrity, availability and the protection of the date are vital to a business productivity and successfulness, therefore storage solutions are still the priority in IT budgets. G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd currently is facing a storage problem. Their storage system performance’s bottlenecks having a serious impact on their business productivity. The sluggish primary storage performance and maintenance issue were slowing down the company’s response to customer request which affecting the overall business productivity. Besides, their backup solution was becoming difficult to effectively protect date within ever shrinking back up window. Thus G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd now needed to search for a secondary storage which can solve all the problems. They require a storage that can optimize storage response time, ensure disaster recovery, implement a highly solution and the most important is to ensure a better access to customer date and protect more than 100TB of data without adding heavy cost and complex management. The era of data and information clearly shows that there is a rising demand for more storage. There are a numbers of options available in the market. The most prevalent would be direct-attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area network (SAN). There is no one is the best for everyone. It is important to focus on the specific needs and the business goals of the organization. Therefore, there are several factors to consider which include capacity, performance, reliability, data protection and budget concerns. We will look into that in more detail later. Many people will argue that SAN are more powerful that NAS, but for G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd, I suggest that the Network Attached Storage (NAS) would be the most suitable storage solution to solve their storage problems. The factors that affecting of choose a secondary storage will be discussed in the next section. NAS is a data storage systems with a specialized hardware and software attached to a network. NAS products is an information data storage server, they have converged to serve all in one servers for date based applications. A NAS is to provide storage and access to data. Picture 1.1 show the Network-attached storage. 2.0 Factors affecting of choosing a secondary storage A storage solution can be defined as a hardware whose main function is to store and sharing data or information. There are many types of storage with many different functions. The storage for business usually is in the form of servers. To choose a right storage for your business, there are several factors that need to be considering when choosing storage which include reliability, capacity and scalability, the budget concern. Capacity The first factor that need to taken into consideration when choosing storage is the capacity of the storage. It is very important that we should very clear that what is the size and scope of the data that you want to store and what capacity is needed to store it? The firm should choose the storage which suitable for the organization or business purpose and functions. The firm should also consider the types of data to store and the frequency of access the data when choosing a storage. NAS systems can provide many terabytes of storage in high density. G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd is a consulting firm which provides services in finance and business strategy to leading law firms and government agencies. They have a lot of date that need to store and share with customer which some of it might sensitive. Therefore it is suggested that they should choose a file-level storage. A NAS device is a single storage unit best suited for file-level storage connected directly to network. NAS often configures especially for file- sharing. Performance & Speed Different storage will have different return rate of speeds for data. If the date store is monthly use, means that you no need the fastest storage; if the date store will be use very frequently, is better to choose the fast performance storage. Knowing this can help you save in cost. A business normally will look for a better file access speed. G&J Consultation might need a fast performance storage since they are providing consultant services to customers which the date stored might be use frequently and need to response to customers very quickly. Transfer speed over the network is the primary indicator of a NAS because it uses file-level protocol when uploading or downloading large files. NAS can provide performance benefits. For example, NAS can take over the work of serving the email data, freeing resources on the email server for email-specific processes. Scalability Scalability is important in terms of both computing power and storage capacity. The performance and capacity should scale independently of one another. Scalability is important because the ability of the storage would need to be expanded in future in order to cope with increased use. NAS is a suitable storage which suggested for G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd because it is easy to set up and easy to use, even a non IT based staff can manage the NAS. Reliability Reliability of storage also is one of the factors which is very important and need to be concerned. Reliability is important because the loss of data and downtime can lead to loss in revenue and threaten the survival of the business. In today’s world, most of the people demand a highly reliability, shared storage device that is accessible to multiple network devices. NAS is the newer version of storage after DAS (data-attached storage), it use of highest-performing drives with premium components that been qualified to extreme premium environment. NAS is suitable for G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd since it produce the most reliable and highest-performance data storage solution. NAS is same reliable with normal server. From the storage functional system, concepts are equally. They both can act as server. Even lower end NAS systems have the high reliability features such as RAID and hot swappable drives and components. Cost or budget concern Usually is the main concern of an organization to purchase a certain products or services. Cost in here not only means the equipment cost, but management and maintenance cost as well. Management and maintenance cost at here meaning that the cost to maintain the storage, the cost to hire the IT consultant to give training on the ways to use the storage and so on. G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd is having a storage problem and they want to buy a suitable storage which can help them solve the problem they are facing currently without adding heavy cost for their business. Here, it is suggested to the firm that network-attached storage (NAS) would be a suitable storage solution which is less expensive if compare to others. The management and maintenance cost is lower also because NAS is easy to set up and easy to use. Security The firms have a lot of date and some of the data might be sensitive which relate to legal need to be store and share between customers, thus data protection can be one of the factors that need to be taking into consideration also. NAS provides data protection benefits in data protection plan and provide redundant storage for sensitive data. Every NAS appliance includes user security to allow or restrict file access based on username and passwords. Management Management here means the administrator who in charge of the storage solution. He need to be aware of the challenges that might be arise for the solution and consider what are the monitoring tools are available to monitor performance and warn for the possible failures. The storage should not be too complex to manage in order to save the cost of management and maintenance. 3.0 Advantages of seeking a higher performing storage A secondary storage device for computers are not only for storing back up files, they also allow computers users to expand their ability to transfer a large amounts of data from one computer to another. For G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd, as I mention earlier, the suggested storage that most suitable if the Network Attached Storage (NAS). There are several advantages of seeking a higher performing storage which suggested here. Mass Storage The capacity of the secondary storage is very high that allow us to store a large amount of data. We can store the data into the secondary storage in the form of gigabyte and terabytes. In that case, we can back up the all data easily and need not worry for losing data. Usually an organization will have plenty of data that need to be stored to support the business operations. For this, the primary storage would not be able to do it. NAS provide an efficient of sharing a large individual files among individual users. NAS can store and manage the data up to terabytes level. Besides, NAS allowed us to add more storage without shutting down the network. Reliability & Security It is considered safe that storing data into the secondary storage. The data can be store in the secondary storage which is the NAS in permanent form. Therefore the firm no needs to worry of loss of data or lack of data even after many years later. NAS provide data protection benefits so that it is safe to store the sensitive data. This is one of the advantages by choosing NAS because G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd is handle highly sensitive data. The data stored on live database server will be stored to NAS in the same time so that the data will exist even if the database server faced physical failure. Performance The computer could have a better performance with adding a secondary storage. This can help users to increase the speed of storing data, access data or transferring data which indirectly increase the productivity of the firm. With a secondary storage, the computer of the organization can fully operate effectively. Performance of serving files can be increase by a NAS because NAS included file-system storage. NAS is a system used for storing files in a central location, accessible through a network, so that other computer systems can store and retrieve the data files. Comfort The date store in the secondary storage can be accessed easily and immediately. The data can share with others such as customers very easily and convenient. This can increase the productivity of the organization and contribute to gain profit for the organization. NAS is a server which has the dual function of application serving and files sharing and provides a lot of flexibility in data access by virtue of being independently. The utility rate of NAS is high because the storage is shared across multiple servers. Multiple NAS systems or devices can be manage by a central and then it can conserving the time and resources, Economic The cost of a secondary storage is cheaper than adding the memory of the computer. For G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd, NAS is suggested to them as their secondary storage rather than a SAN. SAN requires the purchase of a Fibre Channel which is very expensive; NAS requires a standard Ethernet NIC which is much cheaper. This indirectly reduces the cost for storage devices. Furthermore, SAN is very hard to understand, it will cause the management and the maintenance cost increase; however NAS is easy to understand and easy to maintain, indirectly reduces the cost of management and maintenance for the firm. NAS is a simple and cost-effective way to achieve fast data access for multiple clients at the file level. 4.0 Disadvantages of seeking a higher performing storage There is nothing perfect in this world; there is no any storage which is the best. A secondary storage has several advantages and of course has several of disadvantages. Over Whelmed NAS can be used by many computers on a network. When everyone is trying to access the device at the same time, it might lead to overwhelmed. This could happen because of the limitation of network bandwidth, and the processing power within the device. When there is a large amount of users simultaneously access data, it will create the bottlenecks on the local area network and server. Besides, NAS device could become a single point of failure. To solve this issue, those important files across multiple units should be distribute, schedule and run regular remote backup routines. Financial Budget concern Getting a higher performance of storage, in other words that is one of the expenses cost for the Organization. No matter how valuable is the storage, it still will affect the financial budgeting for the organization for short term. The organization needs to allocate fund for the storage equipment cost, and also for the maintenance and management cost of the storage. This is just a very short term disadvantages because advantages of the secondary storage will contributes profits to the organization and then can cover the cost of getting the storage. Time consuming The staffs of the organization might need times to understand and make use of the secondary storage. The administrator would first study and understand in detail for the storage then he might need to give training to the staffs in order for them to know how to operate and maximize the usage of the storage. This is important because if the secondary storage not fully utilize by the organization would be wastage for the organization. However this might take some times to completely educate everyone in the organization to fully utilize the storage and it is hard to ensure whether the storage has been fully utilized. There will be a wastage and loss of money for the organization if the users of the organization not able to use the storage. That is no point of spending an amount of money for the organization to buying a powerful product but no one can fully utilize it. Backup challenge We can back up the data by NAS but because NAS is file-level storage, which means transferring data and storing data is by file-level. If users have millions of small files, it could be a problem to back up the data because NAS will store the data by file name. NAS cannot do image-level backup and cannot serve raw device. Besides, NAS is difficult to backup the data to tape. Large block of data A NAS is not able to move a large block of data which is important for bandwidth-intensive applications such as imaging, database or transaction processing. NAS does not offer fast data transfer while reducing input/output latency or server workloads. NAS also not provide high volume transaction processing especially the companies that conduct business on the web. Same with the backup issues, if the user has millions of small file that want to store or share to another, NAS is not an option to do that. The only way to solve this without adding budget to seeking for the other storage is adding the capacity of the NAS, since the scalability of NAS is high but of course it has its limit. 5.0 Conclusion Digital assets will only continue to growth rapidly in the future. It is important to choose the right storage and to implement technologies that based on the industry standard which can minimize the interoperability concerns and provides long term investment protection for the organization.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Building a Successful Corporation

A preliminary, albeit cursory review of literature on the topic of corporate success indicates that it is a vital element in the process of bringing about a vibrant economy and improved standard of living (Kay, 1995). With this understanding in mind, the researcher arrived at the conclusion that the topic of building a successful corporation merits further research from several different points of view; therefore, this proposal is presented in the interest of additional research.THE PROBLEM The researcher will conduct this study and write the subsequent thesis in order to adequately define and understand the process of building a successful corporation. Indeed, successful corporations are the backbone of the international economy, and add endless value to the human experience; therefore, it is both timely and valuable to better understand how and why successful corporations are created.THE METHOD The researcher will utilize an extensive variety of written works on the subject of outs ourcing as research material, in addition to Internet research and interviews with individuals knowledgeable in the subject matter. Information derived from these sources will be interpreted and presented along with relevant charts, tables and graphs to employ a thorough research method. THE FINDINGSThe researcher will present findings in a sufficiently technical, yet easily interpreted format, designed to allow the thesis to be utilized as a strategic planning tool for other firms. The findings will be presented with thorough documentation and explanation within the text of the thesis. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study is to define what constitutes a successful corporation, examine the case studies of successful corporations within that definition, and provide an overall stronger understanding of this topic.IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY This research is relevant and important because successful corporations are valuable not only to the United States, but to every nation that prides itself on offering people the opportunity to earn a fair wage for their labors; a wage that allows for a comfortable standard of living and the chance to obtain comfortable housing, quality medical care, and all of the other trappings that allow for prosperity and well-being.Undoubtedly, the business community needs to fully understand what success will mean for a corporation, as well as some of the best practices that other firms have used to gain success. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY The study will center on a balanced analysis of the issue of corporate success to determine if it provides an immediate contribution to the economic, social, and moral prosperity of the United States, or perhaps it is just a step in the evolution of the American economy that will lead to economic growth and prosperity in the long term.The analysis of this phenomenon, by its very nature, will lead the researcher to analyze from a myriad of viewpoints; undoubtedly, there is a political element to the to pic, as well as a â€Å"trickle-down† effect that manifests itself in the buying decisions of individual consumers, businesses and industries. By viewing the topic one of human as well as business interest, a unique perspective will be achieved, adding to the breadth and validity of the research. Bibliography Kay, J. A. (1995). Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Favourite literary character Essay

My favourite literary character is Winston Smith. He is the main character in the novel 1984 by George Orwell. I consider him to be my favourite character for a few reasons. These reasons are that he is very strong willed, his fatalistic attitude, his inquisition towards many things, as well as his rebelliousness toward society. I will go into more detail in the following short essay. He is very strong willed, Winston never let’s any of the antagonists in the story intimidate him, even though they know what he is thinking. He shows numerous times throughout the story that he is strong willed, despite the fact that the thought police, The Party, and the mysterious Big Brother are constantly trying to psychologically intimidate him, he still keeps his sanity. He also shows this through the torture they force on him toward the end of the novel, he refuses to crack through everything, until the very end when the torture becomes unbearable. Another reason that I consider Winston to be my favourite character is his fatalistic attitude, he assumes the worst will happen and although at some points in the story he makes bad choices, he also makes some good ones. Due to the fact he believes that Big Brother will eventually capture him he constantly is running, and trying to evade them, although at sometimes he does fell like giving in. He goes to O’Brien and joins the anti-Big Brother rebellion. Winston is also very inquisitive; he uses his mind in order to rebel against the totalitarian society that tries to rule him. In almost every chapter he is researching something, or trying to find out something else. He works in the ministry of truth, and he is responsible for altering historical documents, often times he inquires as to what the actual fact is before altering it, as he wants to know. He doesn’t deem much of history to be plausible. For instance the leader of the Brotherhood against the party, Emanuel Goldstein is considered to be the most dangerous man in Oceania. Obviously Winston doesn’t deem this to be correct. The final reason why I consider Winston Smith to be my favourite character is  his rebelliousness toward society. Right near the beginning of the book Winston buys a diary, even though they are strictly prohibited, and not only that but he writes down with big brother in it, which is a huge crime at this time because they can find out what he is thinking and arrest him. He also does many other things that he should have rights to do such as having sexual encounters with a woman named Julia. Not only this but he is secretly indoctrinated to the Brotherhood, which is a secret rebellion against the Party and Big Brother, and constantly meets with O’Brien in order to plan and talk about the rebellion. It is for the above reasons that Winston Smith is my favourite literary character.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Case of Revision R v G and Another Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Case of Revision R v G and Another - Essay Example However, the House of Lords overruled, on the grounds that an element of men's rea was a requirement in all cases involving serious offenses. The boys were therefore not found guilty of arson, or the crime of causing damage by fire3. The former was classified as objective recklessness and the latter as subjective recklessness and this had to be assessed by reference to the reasonable man. The case of Cunningham4 established conclusively that subjective recklessness involving offenses committed â€Å"intentionally and recklessly† will make the accused liable. But Caldwell imputed liability for objective recklessness as well, although Lord Edmund Davies noted a dissenting opinion on the objective recklessness of the defendant as follows: â€Å"†¦a jury could not on those words alone, properly convict him of recklessness simply because they considered that the risk ought to have crossed his mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 5 The House of Lords decision however overruled on the grounds that foresight or the ability to make an assessment of the consequences was deemed to be an essential part of recklessness as laid out under Section 1 of the Criminal Damage Act. The basis upon which the lower Court’s decision was overruled was that when a judgment was made on the liability for objective recklessness without making any allowance for the youth of the defendants or for whether they had the mental capacity to understand the consequences of their actions, it is bound to be erroneous. The House of Lords held that since the boys did not maliciously and deliberately set out to cause damage to the property, neither did they foresee the risk of the damages that could occur through the spread of the fire, they could not be deemed to be guilty of arson. A conviction for a crime should prove not merely an act of omission leading to a crime but also a culpable state of mind, in accordance with the principle of m en's rea. Therefore a defendant who genuinely did not perceive the risk cannot be exposed to serious punishment.

Project guide 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project guide 4 - Essay Example In simple words it is the sum of all the expenditure that the company has to undergo in a particular financial year. Staff Costs Represents wages paid to employees and officers of the company. One effective way of controlling fluctuating staffing costs is to choose mature service providers who operate in multiple locations and have the capability of putting together an appropriate blend of experienced and entry level resources. 5 hours in the evening from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m. and 3 hours is in afternoon 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the evening of any weekend, the restaurant is most of the times completely packed for four hours and is occupied by around 25 people in the last hour. On an average a group spend around 1 hour on dinner. The bill generated is approx. 10$ per person at any given point in time. In the afternoon of the weekends generally 25 people can be seen in any particular hour. For the normal days the occupancy is around 25 people in the evening at any point in time and around 10 people in the afternoon. So the estimated revenue in FY08-09 is:- Each price will lead to a different level of demand and therefore have a different impact on a company’s marketing objectives. Demand and price are inversely related: higher the price, lower the demand. On an average ‘The Diners Park’ employees around 20 employees in a month and the salary cost of all employees is around 20,000$ every month. The cost of raw material is around 9000$ per month and the water and electricity bill cost around 2000$ per month. Apart from this, the miscellaneous cost is around 1000$ per month. The cost capital employed for the project is around 2000,000 USD. Taking the rate of interest to be around 6% per annum, the interest cost is around 120,000$ per annum. At Diners Park, we added more drivers to increase the speed of delivery. Even more importantly, we have introduced specially insulated, heat retaining,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The behemoths of Information Technology industry like. Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, the IT giants, are all results of ‘entrepreneurial vision’ of their founders. Who is an entrepreneur? What are the chief causes for the success of entrepreneurs? What are the attributes required for being an entrepreneur? What makes entrepreneurship different from regular business? How does an entrepreneur with very little resources create wealth and value? We will study ‘the entrepreneur’ along with the special strategies; he makes use of, by researching contemporary literature on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the business idea, the set of practices adopted by an entrepreneur for value enhancement and wealth creation. Entrepreneurship is a break from the past; conception and creation of a unique venture through novel means, and a synergy of strategy, technology, material, and human resources. Entrepreneurship involves a high risk factor as it can’t be forecast with certainty whether a particular entrepreneurship idea would succeed or fail. The results often vary between and extreme success and abject failure. Nevertheless, the entrepreneur, by his inherent nature, keeps on experimenting taking risks, losses and failures in his stride, till he hits upon an idea that clicks. Entrepreneurship has been differently viewed, and hence interpreted differently, over a period of time. In the earlier times entrepreneurship was related to buying and selling of commodities, whereupon a trader took upon himself the buying of a product at a certain price, and selling it for an uncertain price (Di-Masi n.d.). One of the earliest definitions of entrepreneur offered by JS Mill (1848) (quoted by Brockhaus, Sr 2000) as â€Å"one who undertakes to start and conduct an enterprise or business, assuming full control and risks† may have held to be

Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 6 Case Study 2 Submission Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 6 Case Study 2 Submission - Assignment Example A PKI is a foundation where it acts as an overall security whereby all the other components and features must work. This paper will not look into the underlying structure of cryptography. PKI is a very wide cryptographic technique. This paper will offer the real opportunities that can be adopted, by the Software Company, to remove their fears, and misconceptions on the use of this technology. In addition to this, paper will also look into the rationale as to why this technology is suitable for various business applications. There are components which are available in a PKI framework. These components include operational policies, security services, and interoperability protocols which are all geared to support the use of public-key cryptography. The generation and management of public keys occurs through the use of Certificate Authorities (CAs), Registration Authorities (RAs) and directory services which can be used to establish a list of trust. At the national level, the use of PKI can be very instrumental when dealing with security. One of the principles of PKI is to establish a trust hierarchy (U.S General Services Administration Government Smart Card handbook, 2004). In e-commerce, when dealing with trust mechanisms, there must be the provision of management control. There must be a management control at the Ministry of Information. In the e-commerce environment, entities, which are not known to each other, do not have enough trust that has been established to perform business, contractual, legal, or other types of transactions. For this trust to be achieved, the implementation of PKI should be done by using CA. In summary, the working of CA is as follows. For entities which are unknown to each other, they will each establish a trust relationship with a CA. The CA will perform some form of entity authentication according to the rules that have been established as has been noted by the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International Differences Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Differences - Term Paper Example This means that without a careful coordinated operation especially in airports it will not be possible to achieve key objectives of the industry. Safety issue being a major concern of various stakeholders the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its key industry partners had to come together at the initial Global Runway Safety Symposium (GRSS). The main agenda of this strategic meeting was to put in place measures that would ensure that the runway related accidents are put to a halt. At least four hundred and twenty participants from various member states as well as other from the different international aviation organizations were in attendance at the event. A number of recommendations were made with respect runway safety. Key among them includes a combined recognition of the need to come up with a specialized Runway Safety Teams. The need to synchronize key definitions, taxonomies, and safety indicators used in the runway safety was imminent in this meeting. There was also a need to standardize and enhance communication measures not only within the runways but also around the runways. Runways are no doubt an important component of an airport without which no essential aviation operations can take place (Richard de Neufville & Odoni, 2003). A number of aviation standards touch on the safety of the air and runways being such a vital element of the aviation it must always be put under check to ensure that unfortunate events do not happen on the runway at all cost. This need can be justified by the fact that ICAO has held a wide range meetings with various stakeholders aimed at promoting a safe runway. Runway operations has on a number of occasions been accountable for majority the aviation accidents and fatalities just a single source. For instance, in the last five years, of all the accidents reported to the ICAO one third of the case have been directly associated with runway

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Define the role of government in public policy Research Paper

Define the role of government in public policy - Research Paper Example ich it can never be for the interest of any individual, or small number of individuals, to erect and maintain; because profit could never repay the expense to any individual or small number of individuals, though it may frequently do much more than repay it to a great society.† Adam Smith’s statement can be interpreted to mean that the role of government is in the area of defense, administration of justice, public works, and in building and maintaining institutions in the public interest. It is easy to interpret the first three: government’s role is in defense, justice, and in public works. However, the fourth can have several interpretations. In any case, much of economics has maintained that market is far more efficient than government in allocating private goods and services---provided that the goods or services have no externalities or additional benefits or harm (Rosen, 1995, pp. 61-89). Supposedly, there are also public goods which can be in the best interest of the public that government provides. However, much of economics has said that although government has a responsibility in making public goods or services available, the government can mobilize the private sector to produce the goods or services. Thus, this is the rationale for p rivatization and public-private partnerships: to make available certain goods and services that would be in the interest of the public to make available. On the other hand, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Bentham Mill, and Jean Jacques Rosseau emphasized a social contract between rulers and the ruled (Gaus & Kukathas, 2004, p. 23-24). However, given the possible variations of feasible interpretations that can be made on the statement of Adam Smith and given the range of needs that the ruled can demand on rulers on what constitute their obligations as rulers, the role of government in public policy can be anything that the public has successfully asserted politically. Of course, economists can talk of efficiency but as was

Friday, August 23, 2019

Bangladesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bangladesh - Essay Example (Bangladesh Development Research Centre) The country has witnessed some stability on the political front from the start of the 21st century as compared to the 1990s when political turmoil and military interventions were the order of the day. Corruption and nepotism is widespread in the entire sub-continent. So the only way to make perceptible all-round progress happen is political will to discipline the bureaucracy. The only silver lining to the general average or below average economic and social performance is the micro-credit scheme introduced and managed by Nobel prize winner, Muhammed Yunus. Also, women in Bangladesh appear more enthusiastic about participation and progress whether it is economy or population control drive. The tolerance and compatibility shown by Bangladesh National Party (BNP) and Awami League, the two main political parties, towards each other in the past decade is one of the key factors in contributing to whatever growth has been perceptibly witnessed during this time. Bitter political rivalry between these two parties and their exploitation by the military since independence in 1975, have been the main causes of the country's woes. The presence ofThe presence of the United Nations and countries like Japan in Bangladesh serves to ensure accountability and order. It also provides the advantage of technological know-how and the scope for its application in the environs of Bangladesh. Poverty alleviation and reduction in infant mortality rates as of now are inextricably linked to projects undertaken with the help of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, international agencies like the United Nations Development Program and donor nations like Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, etc. (Masudul Hoq Chowdhury) Japan has played major role not only as a donor nation but also as nodal agency for other donor nations and NGOs in the efforts to mitigate Bangladesh's domestic obstacles in the areas of agricultural development, basic human needs, human resource development, infrastructure for investment and export promotion, and disaster management. Another factor playing a major contributory role in the country's progress is its increasing participation in world affairs. Bangladesh has been participating in UN-sponsored peace keeping operations in various disturbed regions in the world by pro-actively contributing its military personnel in these efforts. Bangladesh has also been making efforts to strengthen bilateral relations with its neighboring countries and other nations all over the world. It is also a source for good, cheap labor. (Japan's Country Assistance Program) 3. Traditional and new/novel remedies to promote development for Bangladesh. Traditionally, the country's major source of income used to be the jute industry, rice cultivation and fish farming. However,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jay Gatsby- The Legend Essay Example for Free

Jay Gatsby- The Legend Essay ‘It is not enough to make progress; we must make it in the right direction. ’ How important is it to apply this saying our lives? Well, is very important. What is that makes us human beings and not animals? Is it where we come from and what we have or self-control of our wants and needs? To what extent are we ready to go to gain power that we no longer remember who we are! Jay Gatsby from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby will be able to answer these questions to us. Jay Gatsby, a year or two over thirty, was a mysterious persona. He lived in West Egg, Long Island and was greatly known in the locality for his lavish parties that housed both the invited as well as the uninvited. With extravagant cuisine, rich fresh fruits from New York, Vladimir Tostoff’s Jazz and his Rolls Royce moving to and fro picking up guests, Jay Gatsby threw big parties. He used the phrase ‘old sport’ very often while addressing everybody. His picking of words with care only showed some fishiness regarding his identity. By calling himself an Oxford Educated and wealthy person without any family, he camouflaged his true identity and was a liar. Jay Gatsby, was truly James Gatz a nobody from North Dakota whose parents were unsuccessful farm people. Gatsby’s humiliation of being poor and a man without any class increased his hunger for power and he didn’t care how he got it. â€Å"Contemporary legends such as the â€Å"underground pipe-line to Canada. attached themselves to him, and there was one persistent story that he didn’t live in a house at all, but in a boat that looked like a house and was moved secretly up and down the Long Island shore† (Fitzgerald) only establishes the fact that his business was unethical and notorious. He was a bootlegger and had various links to people like Wolfsheim. His current attitude and outlook that showed off his wealth and dignity was certainly not inherit ed as he worked as a janitor and was a drop out from St. Olaf’s college in Minnesota. Unhappy about his poverty and class, â€Å"he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen-year-old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end. † (Fitzgerald) His belief that money and power could accomplish anything and change the past, only portrays his blatant attitude that led to conceal his true identity and he thus showed off his wealth through his parties despite that fact that it mostly invited fake people. Madly in love with Daisy, a beautiful woman who was married to the Tom Buchanan, Gatsby hoped to win her back and thus kept throwing those wonderfully big parties. His world and life revolved around the dream of winning back his love Daisy. â€Å"Gatsby buys his West Egg mansion with the sole intention of being across the bay from Daisy Buchanans green light at the end of her dock, a fantasy which becomes Gatsbys personal version of the American Dream† (Novel Analysis). Having his emotions bottled up for Daisy for so many years, it became a burning passion in his heart, made him very obsessive. He used richness and wealth to lure her back to him. His love for Daisy had blinded him to the fact that she had left him for a man with solid position, wealth and prosperity which was another reason in his life to become rich. He idolized her and he felt married to her and wanted her back at any cost even though she killed Myrtle-Tom’s lover while driving Gatsby’s car. Having lived the life the way he want and working towards achieving his goal and dream, Jay Gatsby is that legend with whom we can relate ourselves. We all have wants and desires. But his desire for Daisy only led to his downfall. Misguided by his belief and seeking vengeance for Myrtle’s murder, Myrtle’s husband George killed Gatsby in his own pool thinking that it was Gatsby who murdered his Myrtle which in reality was Daisy! A funeral with only few friends and his father Henry Gatz and none of the fake people who attended his parties, nor Daisy for whom he was killed, Jay Gatsby’s life only portrays that it is not money that maketh man, it is his values and ideals. It is not what we want, but why we want something and a constant check on the direction we are going makes us who we are!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Christian and Hopefuls escape from Doubting Castle Essay Example for Free

Christian and Hopefuls escape from Doubting Castle Essay Write a critical analysis of the extract (Christian and Hopefuls escape from Doubting Castle) discussing the characteristic features of Bunyans Style. Bunyan uses allegory and symbolism throughout Part one. This symbolism is used very effectively in this extract; we can see the powerful images that relate to the spiritual nature of the characters. Doubt is powerful and Bunyan emphasises the danger and trappings of doubt through dramatic phraseology and strong physical images: A very dark Dungeon, nasty and stinking to the Spirit of these two men. Bunyans dramatization of these events reflects also on the escape from the castle. Bunyan epitomises the ultimate despair in order to generate the joy and delight produced in the escape. This allows the reader to view the hope and joy that is present in the promises of God: there to condole their misery, and to mourn under their distress. And the door flew open with ease, and Christian and Hopeful both came out Bunyan also implements the use of dynamic verbs such as flew this makes the reader aware of the ease with which doubt is broken. The discovery of the key of promise, which frees Christian and Hopeful from Doubting Castle; shows the reader the hope that remains even in the toughest of situations. Bunyan tries to make the reader aware of the danger of doubt through symbolism. This allows the reader to be cautious of doubt in his or her own life. This is typical of Bunyan, as his work tends to guide to correction, encourage and to issue caution: Thats good news, good brother, pluck it out of thy bosom and try. Christians realisation of foolishness has the effect of reinforcing the promise of Hope. Bunyans representation of this in the form of a speech allows Christian to persuade the reader to correct their foolish ways: What a Fool, quoth he, am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon, when I may as well walk at liberty? Bunyans use of rhetorical questioning through Christians speech have the effect of encouraging the reader to question themselves. They also challenge the institution of doubt. Throughout part one we see the use of dialogue to encourage or reassure the characters. In this extract we can also view this as Hopeful speaks to Christian and questions his doubt over the situation: ; My brother, said he, rememberest thou not how valiant thou hast been heretofore? This has the effect of not only giving reassurance and encouragement to the characters but also to the reader. The use of pausing ensures that it is well understood. Bunyan uses imagery to create Giant Despair, a large and imposing figure this has the effect of showing the powerful and controlling nature of doubt. However Bunyan also recreates the image of the giant to facilitate the ideas and concepts he wishes. As the escape progresses the reader sees that the large and powerful image is not all that is seems and indeed it eventually leads to its own downfall. Bunyan uses this situation to warn and encourage the reader. It allows them to see that even though trials engulf they never actually succeed. Giant Despair, who, hastily rising to pursue his prisoners, felt his limbs to fail, for his fits took him again, so he could by no means go after them. Bunyan uses the Giants wife, Mrs Diffidence, to show the lack of direction that doubt has. It is created by the person and has no power. This has the effect of showing the reader that there is nothing that is worth doubt it is a formality and should be regarded as such. This dramatic characterisation helps to indicate that hope is important and in the setting of this journey it is hope that eventually conquers the situation. Bunyan shows the despondency and discouraging nature of the castle through Hopefuls speech however he also corrects their self-indulgence later in the speech with desire for patience and reliance on God from Hopeful: Also cut off the bread and water from my mouth, and with thee I mourn the light. But let us exercise a little more patience; remember.. The use of such dialogue relates also with Bunyans reliance on the bible as these descriptions may have also linked with the spiritual needs of a Christian. Bunyan uses the very low nature and despair created by doubt and allows the reader to see that hope was always present even if it was not always obvious to the characters. Bunyans use of dialogue extends beyond the pilgrims to the Giant and his wife, Mrs Diffidence. Then he asked her also what he had best to do further to them. So she asked him what they were, whence they came, and whither they were bound; and he told her. Then she counselled him that when he arose in the morning he should beat them without any mercy. This gives insight to the reader and creates dramatic irony, as the reader is aware of the weakness of the trials. One of Bunyans aims when writing The Pilgrims Progress was the instruction of Christians and throughout this extract we can see the encouragement and warnings that he provides and the way in which his writing reflects the authorial intention of the didactic purpose. Hopeful relates the experience of doubting castle to some of the earlier events in the book such as; the meeting with Apollyon and the valley of the Shadow of death. This has the effect of providing a link between the episodes of the dream, it helps to emphasise the representation of a journey and creates a development within the characters. Bunyan combines many different techniques and forms in the extract but the most effective of these is the dialogue between the pilgrims and also between their tormentors. Then, with a grim and surly voice, he bid them awake; and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds. They told him they were pilgrims, and that they had lost their way. This speech allows the reader to be aware of the characters thoughts and emotions; and to immediately identify the characters motives. This also has the effect of furthering Bunyans didactic purpose. The combination of the many effects within The Pilgrims Progress allows it to be enjoyable to all and make it still appreciated from a literary perspective.

Development Of A Five Star Hotel Island Construction Essay

Development Of A Five Star Hotel Island Construction Essay This report has been prepared for Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd to evaluate the feasibility of investing in a project to develop a five star hotel island under the name of Mendhoo Island Resort Development project by using project development methods with financial assessment. This report has been structured with the project scope definition, scope management, financial analysis with a conclusion drown from the analysis following with the recommendation. Scope management has been developed with the project life cycle with required phases with works in each phase in detail. To analyze the project financially, Discounted Cash flow analysis, Net present value analysis and internal rate of return analysis has been used Through this report, analysis has shown that investing in development of 100 room hotel is the most viable option for the Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd. The findings have shown that this project provides a good return since the internal rate of return of the project is higher than the required rate of return. Analysis on time value for money has also shown that its significant to invest in this project. Properly executing all the phases of project life cycle is very important and any delay could incur extra costs since the cash inflow starts from third year, when the hotel is in operation. For this project its highly recommended for the responsible management team of the Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd to track, trace and monitor all activities of the project life cycle and make necessary amendment if requires on time for the successful accomplishment of the project. 1. Introduction This report has been prepared for Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd to evaluate the feasibility of investing in a project to develop a five star hotel island under the name of Mendhoo Island Resort Development project by using project development methods with financial assessment. For this project whether to invest in 50 or 100 rooms hotel is been assessed and investing in development of 100 room hotel has been chosen as the most viable option and analyzed in detail. This report has been structured with the project scope definition, scope management, financial analysis with a conclusion drown from the analysis following with the recommendation. Scope management has been developed with the project life cycle with required phases with works in each phase in detail. To analyze the project financially, Discounted Cash flow analysis, Net present value analysis and internal rate of return analysis has been used. 2. Project Scope Management 2.1. Scope Definition Project Scope Management includes the process required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully. (Turner, 1992) The project scope definition document is mainly intended to endow with the project organization and the project manager with a road map of both the work to be completed within the estimated budget and time frame. It is a guide for future actions. Therefore, the scope document will be of an assistance to manage the project confidently and to maintain an effective communication process within the key stakeholders throughout the project. Mendhoo Island Resort project is planned to develop a Five Star Hotel (a Resort Island), which requires a huge financial investment. Tourism industry of Republic of Maldives is the fastest growing industry across the island nation and it is the major economic activity. Before considering the lease agreement from the owner, The Board of Directors of Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd have done necessary environmental analysis and developed a strategic business plan based on the recent market research to assess the feasibility of investing on this project. With the positive outcomes, the top management of the organization decided to hire the island on a long term lease basis for a period of ten years, within that, two years period is targeted for the construction and the balance seven years for the Hotel business operation at its full swing. The construction and development of the Hotel till its pre-opening is budgeted for US$ 8,000,000.00 (Eight million US Dollars). First activity of this project will be started with construction of Jetties, in order to aid and facilitate the unloading of required heavy load machineries and tools, material and other goods which is requisite to proceeding with the construction. Development phase of this project consists of 100 Guest Rooms (includes Beach Villas, Water Bungalows. The other important activities of this project include carrying out all the other related works which are required for accomplishment of this project. Development works of the project would be carried out in accordance with the project charter and the approved design frame work. According to the project charter, the project scheduled to commence on July 2011 and to be completed on July 2013. In regard with the all works, the company decided to hire skilled and qualified employees from related fields for the different areas of the total work to be done to accomplish the project. Project team of this project includes a project manager, Engineers and other functional department HODs and other staffs. apart from mentioned scope of the project, While continuing project if the need arises make amendments, that has to be considered in accordance with all the factors related to the project which includes budget, time frame and the quality of work. 2.2. Scope Management The above Figure: 1 which is the life cycle of this project, adopted in order to manage the scope of the project .this will provide all the detail activities which are to be carried out for project to succeed. Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase-3 Phase-4 Two years to complete the project Monitoring and Controlling Gate-1 Gate-2 Gate-3 Gate-4 Activities 1- Develop business case 2- Establish the terms of reference 3- Appoint the project team 4- Setup the project office 5- Review the phase Activities 1- Project plan 2- Resource plan 3- Financial plan 4- Quality plan 5- Risk plan 6- Acceptance plan 7- Communication plan 8- Procurement plan 9- Contract the suppliers 10- Review the phase Activities 1- Build deliverables 2- Monitor and control 3- Time management 4- Cost management 5- Quality management 6- Change management 7- Risk management 8- Issue management 9- Procurement management 10- Acceptance management 11- Communication management 12- Review the phase Activities 1- Perform project closure 2- Review project completion Activities 1- Current tourism market analysis 2-Envirnmental analysis 3- Feasibility study 4- Review the phase Activities 1- Start operating island as a hotel 2- Checking the performance Gate-5 Phase-5 Phase-6 Operation Completion Market Research Carryout the project works Initiation Planning Remaining eight years for operation Figure : Project Life Cycle. Life cycle of this project is consisting of six different phases with numbers of activities. The scopes of those activities are described below. The first phase is market research of the product and service, starting from analyzing the Current tourism market. Environmental analysis, to identify the risks associated with the project environment and to take possible action to mitigate the risk if required. Feasibility study; collecting all the information of business problems and gathering required solution option to fix it, finding out the available solution option, evaluating feasibly for each option, identifying risk and issues associated with each option and developing suggested solution option for implementation. Reviewing the phase is going to check all the requirements are identify and take proper action. The first phase of this project is carrying out market research, before considering financial investment decision on this project, the company will be conducting researches to collect information regarding the trends in current tourism industry of the country as well as global market to identify the cost and benefit of investing the project, which will be followed by environmental analysis to identify the issues associated with project environment to take proper action before proceeding with a legal contract with the island owner. Carrying out the feasibility of the project is also included in this phase by evaluating the current business problems and opportunities. Project Initiation is the second phase of the life cycle. The scopes of activities included in this phase are as follows: Develop a business case describing the opportunities, problems and issues which are exist and evaluating options to deliver solution and resolve the problems. This phase also includes cost and benefit associated with each solution option and recommended solution option for approval the business. Establishing the terms of reference, define the project vision, objectives, scope and deliverables, identifying the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and allocating resource and finance required in accordance with the plan. Appointing project team, selecting qualified employees for appropriate positions is the most important function of the project. Settings up the project office, to monitor and control the project environment and manage cultural diversity of workforce. Review the phase, evaluation of achievement of this phase. Considering Initiation phase of this project, finding out business opportunities of investing to build 100 rooms hotel and its operation, also identifying the environmental changes that might impact the project period and gathering required solution for those impacts. This phase also will identify the core aspect of business environment such as business vision, goal and objectives to be archived. This phase also will evaluate the process and technology available for the project. Process and technologies that is relevant to the project, products and services. legal requirements of government on environmental factors and commercial and operational trends which drives towards the business, the key stakeholders information and assuring the most appropriate methods of allocating required resources for the project to be finalized. Appointing the project manager and allocating his responsibilities to proceed with selection of other team members necessary for carrying forward the project and allocating their responsibilities respectively. The final activity of this phase is building the project office to use the infrastructure as a base to manage project activities. Iproject planning is the third phase of project life cycle. Scope of this phase includes: Project plan: to identify the milestones, phases, activities and tasks to quantify the effort required. Allocating resources required and creating a project schedule including listing of the planning dependencies, assumptions and constraints. Resource plan: identify and list out the general types of resources required and assigning the resources to the activities and complete the resources usage table. Financial plan: to manage the costs and expenses likely to be inquired on the project such as employees wages, equipment, materials and administration cost. Quality plan: to maintain the terms of quality consider on the project and identify the targets to be met and describe the quality assurance and control techniques to be under taken. Risk plan: identifying list of risks and rating the likelihood of each risks occurring, provide the report of impact and reason of occur and setting up the prevention action to reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring. Setting out a mitigation action plan to reduce the impact. Acceptance plan: identify milestones to be archived and deliverables to be produced, developing what criteria and standards should be maintained for customer acceptance and reviewing the deliverables. Communication plan, provide required information to the stakeholders to keep them regularly informed of the progress of the project status. Scheduling the communication Events, methods and release dates, use matrix to highlight resources involved in each communication event and use clear process for each communication event with in the project. Procurement plan, understanding of the external supply market and provide to key stakeholders with required materials and reliable details of suppliers to present the materials within the time and budget to proceed procurement in accordance with the companys procumbent policy Contract the suppliers: conduct the tender process and evaluate the supplier and select appropriate supplier by looking ability and capability. Finally negotiating a formal contract with the preferred supplier. Review the phase, reviewing to check if the activities are in accordance with the requirements. Planning phase of this project is concerned on finding the milestones of project phases, number of activities and tasks to be complete within the particular timeframe, resource plan list out the required resources for the project such as employee, equipments and material. In this phase financial plan will identify the number of resources required and its related costs. Quality plan will provide the quality targets that should be archived. Risk plan is intended to emphasize the potential risks and what actions could be taken for mitigation of those risks. Acceptance plan is intended to list out the acceptance standard of the customer in regard with their expectations. Communication plan will describe what information is required and necessary to communicate with stakeholders. Procurement plan will identify a list of products and source of external suppliers which will be followed by the activity of contracting the suppliers after evaluating the best bidders. Fourth phase of the life cycle is Carryout the project works. The scopes of this phase are: Build deliverables, clearly define the objectives and deliverables, the final deliverable should meet the requirements of customers. Monitor and control, physically constructing each deliverable and use series of management process to monitor and control the activities that are undertaken. Time management, identify the total time required for each activity to complete the work on time and identify the percentage completed and outstanding works. Cost management, identify the cost/expenses of overall project and accurately manage the record the details, approve and paid the payments on time. Quality management, maintain the quality standard of the project according to the quality plan, using most appropriate quality measurement and techniques to measure the quality standards. Change management, if any changes required to the project scope, deliverable, timescale or resources, should be evaluated and approved before implementation. Risk management, use the best methods and theories to identify the risk associated with the project which includes quantifying, monitoring, avoiding, transferring and mitigating the risk with the help of risk register. Issue management, use the appropriate method to identify the issue through the issue register and take number of action to reduce impact that the issue is having on the project. Procurement management, to maintain the relationship with suppliers, monitor things that required and controlling the ordering receipt, review and approval of form suppliers, managing overall performance of the supplier. Acceptance management, to check the deliverables are met with the customer requirements by presenting each deliverable separately until the acceptance of all the project deliverables. Communication management, to provide right information at the right time to the correct stakeholders and should ensure the message is reached to the right person. Carrying out the project works: This phase will provide with the final deliverables to the stakeholders. While carrying out the project works, deliverables would be checked on a regular interval to get the feedbacks from respective stakeholders before beginning every stage which would be done through monitory and controlling. Each activity would be allocated with a particular time frame to meet deadlines. Variance has to be considered and adjusted if required and project scope should be discussed at managerial level for approvals. Risk management of the project should be carried out by recording in the project risk register to take necessary action for mitigation of the risk. In same manner other project issues also have to be registered in issue register to take required and needful actions. Procumbent of the project would be managed according to the procumbent plan, suppliers performance will be monitored are reviewed regularly. Further, all necessary information relating to project has to be recorded and delivered accordingly to the respective parties timely. Fifth phase of the life cycle is Completion; scopes of this phase are: Perform project closure, to ensure from the stakeholders the deliverables are met with their acceptation and check project achieved the objectives and delivered the benefits describe in the business case. Review project completion, to monitor achievements and failures of the project, to get better ideas for feature projects. Completion, phase of this project will check and ensure the deliverables are delivered according to the stakeholders expectation and project fully archived the objectives that are mentioned in the project scope and all the activities are review to identify the mistakes and errors to avoid in the feature projects. The last phase of the project is operations of hotel scope are Start operating island as a hotel, increasing the number of customers visiting on hotel providing quality standard services to them. Checking the performance, maximize the revenue of the hotel. Operation, phase of this project is to provide quality product and service customer to attract them to hotel and maintain their first choice holiday destination in Maldives and also yearly increasing the revenue of the company. 3. Financial Analysis of Project 3.1. Factors influences the choice of discount rate Considering to this project factors influence to the choice of discount rate are interest rate and inflation. When discounted if the interest rate is higher the outcome of NPV (time) would lower and vice versa due to inverse relation. Total Investment Capital Interest p.a. Total money payment Equity 8,000,000 14% 560,000 Total 8,000,000 560,000 Table : Cost of capital The bank saving rate at bank of Maldives is 10% p.a. for fixed deposits and the bank lends long term loans at 15% interest (which is the cost of borrowing). The firm owners (shareholders) who have invested for equity capital, although they are not expecting any interest for the invested equity capital, they have expectations about the companys performance and return for the risk that they have taken instead of investing in the bank. They would be getting a 10% return p.a. which is even less risky. Therefore the expectation of the shareholders in regard with the return is higher, which is 14% p.a. as presented in the above table 1.0. Therefore the while taking investment decision the company has to invest in such a way that fulfills the expectations of the shareholders in accordance with rate of return on their investment. The company decided to invest in a project to build a five star hotel. Before considering this investment decision the company carried out initial feasibility studies to decide whether to invest in construction and operations of 100 rooms or 50. The main purpose feasibility this study is to identify the cost/ benefit of the project and to consider the investment which gives highest rate of return. The following tables (table 2.0 and 3.0) provide the details of selection between two choices. Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 50 rooms Room Type No of rooms Expected occupancy per room p.a Room Rate US$ Water Villa 25 180 days 450 Beach Villa 25 180 days 250 Total Table : Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 50 rooms Total project duration ten years Construction and development requires one year. Full board operation nine years Expected duration to build and develop 50 room hotels requires one year. Operation will be started right after this period. Therefore this project totally consists of total ten years out of which nine years would be in full operations. The total expected cash inflow of this project by the end of ten year is US$ 28,350,000 at the rate of US$ 3150000 cash inflow per year for nine years. Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 100 rooms Room Type No of rooms Expected occupancy per room p.a Room Rate US$ Water Villa 50 180 days 450 Beach Villa 50 180 days 250 Total   Table : Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 100 rooms Total project duration ten years Construction and development requires two year. Full board operation eight years Expected duration to build and develop 100 room hotels requires two year. Operation will be started right after this period. Therefore this project totally consists of total ten years, out of which eight years would be in full operations. The total expected cash inflow of this project by the end of ten year is US$ 50,400, the rate of US$ 6300,000 cash inflow per year for eight years. Since investing in construction and operation of 100 rooms givers higher cash inflow than 50 rooms hotel, the company decided to invest in construction and development of 100 rooms. 3.2. Discounted cash flow analysis The management of the company evaluated the option of investing in the project for construction and development of 100 (hundred) Rooms which includes Beach villas and water bungalows. The details are stated below. 3.3. Net present value (NPV) analysis Net present Value (NPV) represents the difference between the present vale (PV) of cash inflows and the Present value (PV) of cash outflows. Net Present Value is used to evaluate and analyze the profitability of this project since. The Net Present Value of following projected cash flow is calculated   Ã‚  with consideration of amount and timing of future cash inflows, amount and timing of future cash outflows and by using discount rate (at the rate of 14%). Project cash flow and Net Present Value(NPV) Year Net cash flows 0 -8000000 1 0 2 0 3 6300000 4 6300000 5 6300000 6 6300000 7 6300000 8 6300000 9 6300000 10 6300000 Net Present Value at 14% Table : Project cash flow and Net Present Value (NPV) 3.4. Internal rate of return analysis Internal rate of return is calculated to find the true rate of return earn on this investment over the course of 10 years life. The higher the projects internal rate of return, the more desirable to proceed with the product Project cash flow and Internal rate of Return(IRR) Years Net cash flows 0 -8000000 1 0 2 0 3 6300000 4 6300000 5 6300000 6 6300000 7 6300000 8 6300000 9 6300000 10 6300000 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) = 21.185 Table : Project cash flow and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) The Required Rate of Return (ROR) is 14% but the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 21.185% which means IRR is greater than ROR, and therefore project has to be preceded and carried forward. Since IRR > ROR the project has to be preceded and carried forward. 4. Conclusions Through this report, analysis has shown that investing in development of 100 room hotel is the most viable option for the Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd. The findings have shown that this project provides a good return since the internal rate of return of the project is higher than the required rate of return. Analysis on time value for money has also shown that its significant to invest in this project. Properly executing all the phases of project life cycle is very important and any delay could incur extra costs since the cash inflow starts from third year, when the hotel is in operation. The success depends on the ability of the project team to carry out the project work phases in accordance with the plan. If the project team is incompetent to carry out the planned work scheduled, it would be a countable threat to succeed the project 5. Recommendation As mentioned under conclusion the project team of Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd should ensure all means to stay with the project plan but to meet and resolve any unexpected issues on timely basis. Since Maldives is a country geographically widespread, regular transfer of required materials should be well in advance prepared and the senior management of the project must be ready to face this challenge if arises at any phase of the project life cycle to accomplish the project on time. Delay in accomplishment is costly since no cash inflow is projected before the hotel is in operation. Therefore its highly recommended tracking, tracing and monitoring of all activities of the project life cycle and make necessary amendment if requires on time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis of the Discourse and Rhetoric since September 11 Essay

September 11, 2001. After terrorists hijacked four American airliners, toppling the World Trade Center in New York and damaging the Pentagon just outside Washington, rhetoric in various circles of the West among authors, theorists, and pundits centered around a number of interesting topics. The nature of evil has become a topic over which much debate and rhetoric has ensued. Some have used it as a means by which they can explain these actions, whereas others see it as an obstacle to a proper explanation. Even others see it as false, but a necessary falsehood for the war effort. Furthermore, the debate over if, or the extent to which, United States and Western foreign policy contributed to these attacks has also stirred passions on both sides of the argument. My intention is to engage in an analysis of the discourse and rhetoric since September 11. Discourse can be defined as the production of knowledge through language (Hall 201). Certainly, events such as those that occurred on September 11 lead to a production of knowledge, or, at the least, attempts at understanding. Language is being used in very interesting ways by many people in an attempt to produce knowledge or understanding since September 11. I have selected both public figures and intellectuals for this discursive evaluation in order to make a sufficient analysis. There is a dichotomy between the context within which public figures such as the Reverend Billy Graham and President George W, Bush speak and academics or literary figures such as Stanley Fish, Edward Said, and Salman Rushdie. Part of this dichotomy, undoubtedly, exists because of the accountability of public figures to those they represent. One of the first references to evil in the wake of t... ...ction to Modern Societies. Ed. Stuart Hall et al. Polity Press. 184-227. Kurtz, Stanley. â€Å"Edward Said, Imperialist.† The Weekly Standard. 8 October 2001: 33-35. Rushdie, Salman. â€Å"Fighting the Forces of Invisibility.† The Washington Post. October 2, 2001: A25. --------. â€Å"Yes, This Is About Islam.† The New York Times. 2 November 2001. 12 December 2001 . Said, Edward. â€Å"Islam and the West are inadequate banners.† The Observer. 16 September 2001. 12 December 2001. . ---------. â€Å"The Clash of Ignorance.† The Nation. 22 October 2001. 12 December 2001 . Williams, Raymond. Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Comparison of the Divine in Gilgamesh, the Old Testament of the Bible

The Divine in Gilgamesh, The Old Testament, and Metamorphoses       Along with different languages, customs and traditions, ancient Hebrews, Middle-easterners and Romans had very different beliefs about the divine. For example, Hebrews are monotheistic, while Middle-easterners and Greco-Romans of early time periods believe in many gods. Writings from the ancient time period sketch these differences, as well as the many similarities between religious beliefs. The Old Testament is an excellent reference depicting Hebrew beliefs, while Gilgamesh outlines many Middle-eastern beliefs, and The Metamorphoses shows readers many ancient Greco-Roman beliefs about the divine.    The Hebrew God as depicted in the Old Testament is omnipotent and omniscient. He creates perfect and harmonious order in the universe, as depicted in Genesis 1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," (51) which was created by Him in six days (47), "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made" (52).    Though the Hebrew God is all-powerful, He creates human kind to have free will (47). This free will can be seen in the story of Adam and Eve. Gods warns both Adam and Eve that they can eat anywhere they want, except from the Tree of Knowledge, and they do anyway (53). Along with free will came disobedience (47). The story of Jonah shows this disobedience when the Lord told Jonah to go to Ninevah to tell its inhabitants that they would be punished for their wickedness. Instead, Jonah decides to flee from th... ...rough inspection, because there are also many differences in the religions, such as how many gods citizens may believe in and what their powers are. However similar or different, these texts provide readers with insight into the different cultures throughout the world and offer a basis for the religions that are popular throughout the world today.       Works Cited    The Bible: The Old Testament. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Sarah Lawall et al. Vol 1. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 1999. 47-97.    Gilgamesh. Trans. N.K. Sandars. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Sarah Lawall et al. Vol 1. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 1999. 16-47.    Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. J.P. Sullivan. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed Sarah Lawall et al. Vol 1. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 1999. 895-943.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Australia is at War Essay -- Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies

‘Australia is at War’ is a primary source from the year 1939 and is a speech by renowned Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies (1894 – 1978). This speech was delivered at the beginning of World War II declaring Australia’s participation and assistance to its â€Å"Mother Land†, Great Britain. World War II was developed and initiated by the infamous Adolf Hitler, a notorious German leader and the head of the Nazis. German’s invasion of Poland initiated Great Britain’s move towards force rather than their original approach of negotiations and peace, as stated in Prime Minister Menzies’ speech, â€Å"they [Great Britain] have kept the door of negotiations open; they have given no cause for provocation.† So the purpose of this source, Menzies speech, which was broadcasted on national radio, was to inform Australia of the drastic measures that were to be taken against Germany in the defence for their Mother Land. As Australia ha d only pronounced federation a mere thirty-eight years earlier, Great Britain was still referred to as the â€Å"Mother Land†, as it was still greatly depended upon it, concluding that when Great Britain had declared war upon Germany, as a result, Australia too was also at war. From Australia’s contribution to Great Britain began the rise of varies army reinforcement groups such as AIF (the Australian Imperial Force), RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force), RAN (Royal Australian Navy) and many more. Prime Minister Menzies announced this speech to the whole of Australia on a radio broadcast to enlighten the nation of the beginning of World War II, Australia’s involvement and the circumstances surrounding this catastrophe that affected the whole of the world. Robert Menzies was born on 20th of December 1894 in Victoria, Australia a... ...peech ‘Australia is at War’ spoken by Prime Minister Robert Menzies at the outbreak of World War II in 1939 is a trustworthy and accurate primary source. The national announcement broadcasted by Menzies himself was addressing Australia of their forces uniting and aiding Great Britain in their war against Hitler and Germany. Justifiable historians and authors such as Joan Beaumont, Allen Martin and Christopher Waters’ work corroborates with the contents and purpose of Robert Menzies speech to display its accurateness and reliability. Works Cited Beaumont, Joan. Australia's War 1939-45. Sydney: Southwood Press, 1996. Martin, Allen William. Robert Menzies: A Life. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1993. Waters, Christopher. "The Menzies Government and the Grand Alliance During 1939." Australian Journal of Polotocs and History 56.4 (2012): 560-573.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Marketing planning process

Sources of Marketing Research and Information Used In Implementing MMPMarketing planning process is a logical sequence and series events to be done so as to attain strategic planning objectives of an organization and setting up strategic plans for achieving them. This is a formal process done annually by most of organizations   such that the results of draft at each stage is analyzed to evaluate the impacts it has brought on the earlier stages and changes are done to meet the expectations. The main aim is to move from the general to the specific, from the overall objectives of the organization and narrow down to individual action plan for a section of one marketing process.For an organization like Marks and spencer, this is one of widely recognized and largest clothing and food retailer in UK. The main source of marketing research and information in its implementation of planning process is market audit. This gives complete and accurate information of what is happening at the groun d. The information collected using this audit includes: review of the marketing environment which involves the study of the organizations markets customers, competitors and overall social, political, technical and economical environment currently and in the future and the review of detailed marketing mix in terms of product, price, place and promotion. Finally review of marketing system in its organization, strategies and objectives.Marketing system needs to be frequently checked since marketing plan depends on the accuracy of information from the system. The other source of information used in marketing planning is the analysis done on the market to determine what happened and why. The marketing positioning and segmentation offers the starting point of what is to be achieved by the whole planning process. Ensuring organized planning of products and services leads to balanced portfolio and finally observing â€Å"80:20† rule which states that concentrating on the 20% of produ cts or services and 20% of customers will result in 80% of the volume and 80% of the profit.Benefits Achieved From Marketing PlanningMarks and Spencer being like any other organization which practices marketing planning for its products have gained significantly. Some of accrued benefits include:The organization has been able to strongly define itself and develop its identity in the customers, employees and market at large. launching of the new products has been fast and cost effective it sets up a promise and expectation of the organization products and services it has separated the organization from the competitors and has given it a value   making it relevant to its customers it determines the unique selling proposition over the competitors It outlines how all defined brands will be used, enhanced and strengthened and allows for strategic positioning of brands in the targeted markets.Ways of Improving Marketing Planning Process Used By Mark and SpencerFor a marketing planning p rocess to remain and continue being viable, there needs to be frequent redefining and resetting of the objectives to march the market requirements with changing economic times.  Several ways in which the Mark and Spencer company can do to improve its marketing planning include: first developing new range of products to meet the changing market needs and competition arising from other clothing and food making organization, re-launching and redesigning of the existing clothing ranges and doing away with those products that are not serving   market effectively.New features need to be added and designing new packaging methods to make them look more attractive to the potential customers. This will ensure the products or services have all qualities that a customer expects to get from them. Then price of these products should be set such that they are able to penetrate the market effectively. This is achieved through pricing for different market segments. This segmentation should match differences in the buyer behaviour of the customers and study the competition in terms of number of competitors, their size, location and their strengths that exists in the market and devices the price that will be able to emerge as a preferred organization in the market. Acceptance of credit cards from other organizations and doing business on Sundays has significantly enabled Mark and Spencer recovers some its market share. The products need to be promoted in the market to create awareness to the customers so as to gain responses from the targeted markets.The marketing campaign dubbed â€Å"look behind the label† has created awareness to customer some of ethical and environmental friendly aspects being used by organization and more needs to be done to improve the image of the organization. The public relation of the organization should be well developed so as to have a clear understanding between the organization and the customers and organizing the sales force to cover ne w products introduced in the market. Lastly, having a   channel of distribution from the producer to consumer well structured to ensure the products reach the targeted marketed at convenient time This can be done by either direct channel from wholesaler to retail outlets or indirect means where distributor agency with good reputations are contracted to supply the products to the retailers. This will ensure the products are always available in the market and customer’s demands are met without shortage in supply.Recommendation for improving the marketing plan for the future:Marketing planning process is one of the factors considered when drawing a business plan and contributes significantly to the success since without sales, no returns are achievable. Marketing plans needs to be prepared with all stakeholders consulted and given a chance to providing their opinions so as to ensure the process is all inclusive to avoid making a decision without considering all factors. Profes sional with adequate know-how on marketing planning process can be employed so as to provide guidance and technical know-how.Marketing plans needs to be revised regularly depending on the marketing liberation to avoid lagging behind as new technology and innovations arises. Plan needs to be simple, specific, achievable and attainable. Products need to be of high quality and meet the desired standards by the targeted customers. Pricing of the products need to be specific to be each market segments so as the products can compete effectively in the market.   Promotion strategies selected should be one that will reach a larger market audience effectively and provide relevant information concerning the products.ReferencesBBC News 24 (2006): M&S Set to Launch Fairtrade Range, Retrieved from, on May 15, 2007Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2000): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: New York, Prentice Hall, HarlowFill, C. (2002): Marketing Com munications, Contexts, strategies and applications: New York, Prentice HallKotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Saunders, J. and Wong, V. (1999): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn, New Jersey: Prentice HallMcDonald, M. (2001): Marketing Plans: – How to prepare them, how to use the. 4th Edn: London, Butterworth HeinenammMcDonald, M. (2001): Marketing Plans: – How to prepare them, how to use the. 4th Edn: London, Butterworth HeinenammBBC News 24 (2006): M&S Set to Launch Fairtrade Range, Retrieved from, on May 15, 2007Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2000): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: New York, Prentice Hall, HarlowKotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Saunders, J. and Wong, V. (1999): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn, New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Friday, August 16, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus Philippine Callcentre Staff Health And Social Care Essay

The outsourcing industry is presently a turning tendency in the Philippines supplying employment chances for many immature professionals. The Filipino outsourcing industry has grown 46 % yearly since 2004 ( Rivette, 2010 ) and is presently stand foring 21 % of the $ 7.2 billion of entire Business Process Outsourcing ( BPO ) grosss worldwide. With the addition in BPO employment chances, more and more immature Filipino professionals are using for and working as call centre agents. Approximately 400,000 Filipinos are already employed as call centre agents ( Rivette, 2010 ) and with a growing rate of 46 % yearly, it can be estimated that another 200,000 Filipinos will be fall ining this work force following twelvemonth. However, despite the economic benefits of the enlargement of BPO in the Philippines, an addition in work-related diseases in call centre companies have besides been reported. The most researched work-related disease in call centres in the Philippines is on sexually transm itted infections, peculiarly HIV-AIDS. Harmonizing to the survey done by the UP Population Institute ( 2010 ) , 20 % of male call centre agents are commercial sex workers while 14 % of them give payment in exchange for sex. The survey besides showed that 1/3 of call centre agents have had insouciant sex in the last 12 months. These statistics validate the addition in hazardous sexual behaviour among call centre agents in the Philippines. However, addition in hazardous sexual behaviour is merely a portion of the life style of most call centre agents. Other hapless lifestyle picks observed among call centre agents is their backing of fast nutrient, smoke, ingestion of intoxicant, increased caffeine consumption, reduced slumber, and diminish physical inaction. Besides hapless lifestyle picks, the nature of their work besides predisposes them to emphasize and perturbations in their sleeping form. All of these factors predispose them to wellness jobs peculiarly high blood pressure, flesh iness, and diabetes. A figure of surveies have already been conducted on the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and name centre agents in the Philippines but there are presently no surveies yet on the incidence of other diseases among call centre agents. This survey would wish to bridge this information spread because cognition on the development of other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes are besides every bit of import as cognition on the increased transmittal of STIs among call centre agents. A In this survey, the research workers would wish to research the association between the development of Diabetes Mellitus Type II among call centre agents in the Philippines. As mentioned above, name centre agents and their lifestyle predisposes them to developing diabetes. The research workers would wish to turn to the job of potentially developing Diabetess Mellitus because of the long-run complications of this disease on the quality of life. The research workers would desire to specifically turn to Type II Diabetes Mellitus for the basic ground that this type of Diabetes develops chiefly because of lifestyle factors. The research workers believe that cognition on the association between call centre agents and the development of Diabetes Mellitus Type II is extremely important because of the wellness deductions of this disease and its possible to be prevented.II. Significance of the StudyThe increasing tendency of call centre bureaus in the state provides occupation chances to the i ncreasing supply of alumnuss in the state. Bing employed as a call centre agent in a call centre bureau is assumed to increase the hazard of sensitivity to different disease entities because of the extremist life style alterations one undergoes. With the increasing figure of employed call centre agents, there is hence an addition in the figure of people who are at hazard of geting diseases. Few literature trades with call centre agents that discusses the acquisition of certain diseases secondary to their business. This survey aims to increase the fund of literature with respect to this. Diabetess Mellitus, Type II is a chronic and debilitating disease. Besides, as said, this is a life-long disease. Once a individual acquires this disease, he or she will everlastingly be predisposed to the co-morbidities and effects of the disease ; which in bend, will diminish one ‘s figure of productive life old ages. A Prevention is the most cost-effective attack when aiming populations. If the consequences of this survey will demo an association between being a call centre and geting Diabetes Type II, we would be able to turn to the spread in cognition with respects to the association of being an employed call centre agent and geting Diabetes Mellitus, Type II. Besides this would supply extra informations for policy shapers to turn to steps with respects to the bar of this disease.III. Scope of RestrictionsA A A A A A A A A A A The survey will merely include employees in call centres in Ortigas, Philippines. The survey will be done for a period of 5 ( ? ) old ages and will merely find if an person will develop Type II Diabetes Mellitus ( DM ) or non. The survey will non quantify the grade and badness of the disease upon diagnosing. Fasting blood glucose ( FBG ) will be used in the diagnosing of DM, as it is the most dependable and convenient trial for placing DM in symptomless persons ( Fauci et al, 2008 ) and portion of the guidelines used by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists ( AACE Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Practice Guidelines Task Force, 2007 ) . Persons will be counted as instances if diagnosed with Type II DM through the class of the survey. Cases will be provided with appropriate intercessions ( non-pharmacological, referral ) . A A A A A A A A A A A A A The survey will except those who have the followers at the start of the survey: Type II DM, history of Diabetes in the immediate household, organic structure mass index ( BMI ) above or below the normal value as per Asian criterion, and more than or equal to 30 old ages of age. These exclusion standards are the factors that can be controlled in choosing the persons within the population that may predispose them to be identified as instances.IV. Review of Related LiteratureName Center Industry Harmonizing to a reappraisal done by O'Maley ( 2008 ) , the Philippines has been a major participant in the outsourcing industry over the past 10 old ages. Six major factors were identified to be the grounds why the Philippines take part radically in the said industry. One is the increasing authorities support for information engineering investing despite the fickle political clime. Second is the uninterrupted pooling of college alumnuss with good English communicating accomplishments and proficiency. It was stated in the reappraisal that 75 % of the entire population in the Philippines ( harmonizing to a United Nations ‘ informations ) speak English fluently with a 94 % literacy rate which gives a comparative advantage in the industry as compared to other states. Third is high cognition about Information and Communications Technology ( ICT ) . Fourth is the easy constitution of a dependable and moderately priced telecommunication substructure. Fifth are the low costs but high quality locations of call centre bureaus. And in conclusion, 6th, the increasing tendencies of outsourcing globally. In that same article written by O'Maley, it was said that the Philippines systematically ranks among the top five Business Procedure Outsourcing ( BPO ) locations globally. This portions a five-year-compounded one-year growing rate of 38 % . The Philippine BPO system was besides coined as the major participant in the growing of the service sector in the state. The Philippines plays a major function in providing the demand for more call centre agents as an consequence of the planetary trending of outsourcing worldwide. Harmonizing to the Philippine National Statistic Office ( 2010 ) , name centre activities ranked first among all BPO activities covering about half of the entire industry with 219 ( 48 % ) call centre constitutions. A With the increasing figure of call centre bureaus, it is logical to state that there is besides an increasing demand for call centre agents to work for such industry. Call centre activities employ bulk of the workers among all BPOs. In 2008, call centre bureaus employed about 150,000 workers ( Philippine National Statistics Office, 2010 ) . There are about 400,000 Filipinos who are presently employed as call centre agents harmonizing to Rivette ( 2010 ) . Name Center Agents Harmonizing toA a policy provided by the Employment and Immigration Department of the Government of Alberta ( 2008 ) , call centre agents are the 1s who â€Å" respond to inquiries and enquiries, construct client relationships, decide client jobs and supply information about company policies, merchandises and services over the phone and via electronic communicating. † Working conditions from one call centre to another may differ. Harmonizing to that same policy, name centre agents normally work indoors but in a instead unfastened environment to diminish privateness. Further, directors are allowed to enter and supervise the conversations of an agent and his or her client. Working displacements besides differ from one bureau to another. Some bureaus provide services 24-hours a twenty-four hours, seven yearss a hebdomad. Lifestyle of Call Center Agents and Associated Health Risk Factors Because of the nature of their work, name centre agents normally live a life style that may set them at hazard for development of certain diseases. First, name centre â€Å" workers remained in a inactive sitting place 95 % of the clip † ( Rocha, 2005 ) which makes them prone to physical inaction that may take to fleshiness. Development of fleshiness is of significance because it is a hazard factor for the development of Diabetes Mellitus Type II harmonizing to the AACE Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Practice Guidelines Task Force of 2007. Second, name centre workers are exposed to a extremely nerve-racking environment. Call centre workers â€Å" identified call-time force per unit areas i.e. , holding to treat a client call within a specific figure of seconds as holding the strongest relationship to occupation emphasis † ( Di Tecco et Al, 1992 ) . Another survey identified â€Å" holding to cover with hard clients as the most important beginning of occupation emphasis in 54.0 % of call centre agents managing inbound services and 54.4 % of call centre agents managing outbound services † ( Lin et al, 2010 ) . High degrees of emphasis can take to increased hydrocortisone degrees in the organic structure which is of significance because of its effects on organic structure metamorphosis. Abnormalities in organic structure metamorphosis can take to metabolic jobs such as stress-induced fleshiness which may give rise to high blood pressure, lipemia, and hyperglycaemia ( Andrews, 2002 ) . Third, the usual diet of call centre agents is high in cholesterin and fat and low in fibre which puts them at hazard for dyslipidemia and hypercholesteremia. In a survey conducted by the UP Population Institute, they identified the usual lifestyle picks of immature professionals in Metro Manila and Metro Cebu. They studied the economic, societal and wellness position of 929 immature professionals less than 35 old ages old working at call centres and non call centres. The survey revealed that â€Å" there is a high degree of ingestion of french friess, Burgers, french friess and fried chicken † among the workers and â€Å" a few figure consume instant noodles and street nutrient on a regular basis † . It was found out that fried poulet was the most popular nutrient pick among Business Process Outsourcing ( BPO ) workers with 78 % stating that they consume it on a regular basis. French friess were the following most popular nutrient pick with 54 % stating they consume it on a regular basis, followed by french friess at 53 % and Burgers at 49 % . High caffeine consumption was besides reported in 2/3 of all immature professionals imbibing java daily. However, the survey pointed out that call centre workers drank more java than non-call centre workers. Call centre workers drank 2.3 cups of java daily while non call centre workers drank 1.7 cups daily. Tea consumption was besides reported where 1/4 of all call centre workers drank tea while merely 1/5 of non-call centre workers drank tea. The survey besides revealed that 50 % of all immature workers drink soda daily at an norm of 1.5 bottles or tins daily. The survey besides explored leisure activities of call centre agents. Based on the UP Population Institute study, 72 % of call centre agents said that their most common leisure activity is imbibing compared to partying ( 62 % ) or videoke catchs ( 59 % ) . The survey said that overall â€Å" there is a really high degree of current imbibing among workers † , 85 % for call centre agents and 87 % for non-call centre agents. Fatty nutrient and ingestion of intoxicant can increase triglyceride and cholesterin degrees which is a hazard factor for the development of diabetes ( AACE, 2007 ) . Fourth, sleep want is common among call centre agents. In the same survey, they besides found out that alternatively of the recommended 8 hours of slumber, name centre agents merely acquire 6.2 hours of sleep each twenty-four hours. Sleep want can take to metabolic perturbations and hormonal alterations doing fleshiness ( Merck ) and accordingly diabetes. Fifth, due to tire and miss of slumber, name centre agents resort to smoke to get by with emphasis. They reported that â€Å" 43 % of call centre employees smoke while merely 21 % of non call centre agents smoke † . â€Å" A call centre agent who smokes normally consumes 9 sticks a twenty-four hours on norm † . Smoking is a known hazard factor for the development of coronary artery disease taking to high blood pressure and cardiac disease. Since high blood pressure and cardiac disease are risk factors for the development of Diabetes Mellitus Type II ( AACE, 2007 ) , smoking may so predispose an person in developing diabetes. Diseases Associated with Call Center Employees An addition in the turnover, absenteeism, and occupational diseases in call centre employees resulted from deficiency of modernisation of procedures and organisational planning in call centres in Brazil ( Rocha et al, 2005 ) . A focussed group probe conducted in a call centre employed with 200 persons observed the â€Å" presence of ailments of muscular hurting, tummy achings, sleep changes and crossness † ( Westin in Rocha et Al, 2005 ) . Work-related muscular upsets were found to be extremely prevailing among the female than male call centre employees, specifically on the neck/shoulder part ( 43 % ) and on the wrists/hands part ( 39 % ) . It was observed that a combination of high demands and deficiency of work control among the female call centre employees A reflect a extremely nerve-racking occupation that predispose them to the increased hazard of holding musculoskeletal upsets ( Theorell in Rocha et Al, 2005 ) . The restrictions of the survey done by Rocha et Al ( 2005 ) are that the analyses were limited to one call centre linked to a bank, cross-sectional design, little sample size, and symptom-based diagnosing ( such as hurting, numbing, giddiness, prickling esthesis, stiffening, firing esthesis ) . In a survey done by d'Errico et Al ( 2010 ) , the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the same part was assessed utilizing the undermentioned inclusion standards to continue the specificity of the result, although it probably decreased its sensitiveness: a ) presence of musculoskeletal symptoms ( hurting, combustion, stiffing, numbness or prickling ) at any clip during the last 28 yearss and B ) audience to a physical and or self-medication because of the symptoms. Besides, the â€Å" presence of any disease known to be associated with musculoskeletal upsets such as high blood pressure, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, urarthritis, thyroid diseases, rheumatoid arthritis ) , old hurts in the last five old ages, leisure physical activity, organic structure mass index, smoke, matrimonial position, educational degree, gender, and age category were explored as possible confounders of the association between workplace factors and musculoskeletal symptoms. † It was found i n this survey that 45 % of workers reported musculoskeletal symptoms wherein cervix ( 39 % ) symptoms were the most prevailing, followed by the shoulder ( 22 % ) , handwrist ( 10 % ) , and cubitus ( 4 % ) . Neck/shoulder symptoms were associated with â€Å" low occupation control, elevated noise, hapless desk lighting and impossibleness to tilt back while sitting. † Elbow/hand-wrist symptoms were associated with â€Å" short intervals between calls, deficient working infinite, deficiency of forearm support, occupation insecurity, and long senior status in the industry. † Other survey that reported the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms among call centre employees were done by Halford and Cohen ( 2003 ) wherein computing machine usage factors and single psychosocial factors were significantly associated with self-reporting of musculoskeletal upset symptoms. Sudhashree et Al ( 2005 ) stated in a column missive that the call centre industry in India ranked high for abrasion due to wellness grounds such as kiping upsets ( 83 % ) , voice loss ( 8.5 % ) , ear jobs ( 8.5 % ) , digestive upsets ( 14.9 % ) and oculus sight jobs ( 10.6 % ) . Burnout stress syndrome, which includes chronic weariness, insomnia, and complete change of biological beat of the organic structure are everyday cause for sickness absenteeism. Chronic degree of emphasis besides affects other systems of the organic structure such as the cardiovascular and hormone. In a survey done by Lin et Al ( 2010 ) in a bank call centre in Taiwan, name centre employees have had prevailing ailments of musculoskeletal uncomfortableness, oculus strain, gruffness, and sore pharynx. Besides, it was found that those who perceived higher occupation emphasis had significantly increased hazard of multiple wellness jobs, including oculus strain, tinnitus, gruffness, sore pharynx, chronic cough with emotionlessness, thorax stringency, cranky tummy or peptic ulcers, and musculoskeletal uncomfortableness. In the Philippines, there are no surveies about the wellness hazards and occupational diseases associated among call centre employees. However, there is a study of a rise in the figure of Filipinos infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) and includes the call centre employees ( Ruiz, 2010 ) . Diabetess Mellitus, Type II Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Epidemiology A A A A A A A A A A A Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) is a group of metabolic upsets wherein there is an addition in blood sugar ( hyperglycaemia ) ensuing from absolute or comparative lack of insulin, or both. There are many categorizations of this disease entity based on the diseased procedure that leads to hyperglycemia. In Type II DM, hyperglycaemia resulted from a scope of preponderantly insulin opposition with comparative insulin lack to a preponderantly insulin secretory defect with insulin opposition ( Fauci et al, 2008 ) . It normally occurs among the older age group ( & gt ; 30 old ages old ) but there is an increasing diagnosing in the younger group ( Tidy, 2009 ) . â€Å" Most symptoms of diabetes appear really tardily in the phase of the disease. A batch of diabetics do non hold symptoms when their blood sugars are elevated for the first clip † ( National Objectives for Health, 2005 ) . A A A A A A A A A A A There is a dramatic addition in the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus worldwide, from ~30million instances in 1985 to 177 million in 2000. Type II DM is increasing more quickly because of â€Å" increasing fleshiness and decreased activity degrees as states become more industrialised, † as in the instance of many developing states in Asia ( Fauci et al, 2008 ) . A countrywide prevalence study in the Philippines by the Department of Health showed that four ( 4.1 % ) out of one 100 Filipinos are diabetics, and the prevalence was higher in urban ( 6.8 % ) than in rural ( 2.5 % ) countries. The World Health Organization estimates that there will be a doubling of prevalence of diabetes in Southeast Asia every five to ten old ages. Using this as premise, the prevalence of diabetes in the Philippines is about 8 to 16 per centum ( National Objectives for Health, 2005 ) . Besides, the decease rate in diabetes has risen from 4.3 per 100,000 population in 1984 to 7.1 per 100,000 population in 1993. It is of import to observe that there is underreporting of deceases due to diabetes, as shown by local surveies, because of misclassification as deceases due to cardiovascular or nephritic disease both of which are chronic complications of DM ( National Objectives for Health, 2005 ; Fauci et Al, 2008 ) . Type II Diabetes Mellitus Risk factors and Nosologies Harmonizing to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists ( AACE ) Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus ( AACE Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Practice Guidelines Task Force, 2007 ) , there are several hazard factors to developing prediabetes and Diabetes Mellitus. Such hazard factors are ( a ) household history of diabetes, ( B ) cardiovascular disease, ( degree Celsius ) overweight or corpulent province, ( vitamin D ) sedentary life style, ( vitamin E ) Latin american or Latino, Non-Hispanic black, Asiatic American, Native American, or Pacific Islander ethnicity, ( degree Fahrenheit ) antecedently identified impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose, ( g ) high blood pressure, ( H ) increased degrees of triglycerides, low concentrations high-density lipoproteins cholesterin, or both, ( I ) history of gestational diabetes, ( J ) history of bringing of an baby with a birth weight & gt ; 9 lbs, ( K ) polycystic ovary syndr ome, and ( cubic decimeter ) psychiatric unwellness. To name Diabetes Mellitus, any one of the three standards is sufficient in diagnosing the patient harmonizing to the AACE. These standards are: ( a ) symptoms of diabetes such as polyuria, polydipsia, unexplained weight loss and insouciant plasma glucose concentration of greater than or equal to 200 mg/ deciliter, ( B ) fasting plasma glucose concentration of greater than or equal to 126 mg/ deciliter, and ( degree Celsius ) 2-hour postchallenge glucose concentration of greater than or equal to 200 mg/ deciliter during a 75-gram unwritten glucose tolerance trial. A Diabetess Mellitus Prevention A survey done by the Diabetes Prevention Program ( DPP ) showed that intensive alterations in life style, quantified as diet and exercising for 30min/day five times/week in persons with impaired glucose tolerance ( IGT ) delayed the development of Type II DM by 58 % . ( Harrison ‘s, 2008 ) . It was besides found out that Metformin slowed down the patterned advance or halted the development of Type II DM by 31 % compared to placebo. Peoples with a strong sensitivity to diabetes due to household history or impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose ( IFG ) , are strongly advised to keep a normal BMI and prosecute in regular exercising. Harmonizing to the recent ADA Consensus panel, persons with IFG and IGT who are at a high hazard for patterned advance to diabetes ( age & lt ; 60 old ages, BMI & gt ; 35 kg/m2, household history of diabetes in the first-degree, elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL, high blood pressure, or A1C & gt ; 6.0 % ) could be appraised for Metformin intervention but non other medicines. Acute complications of DM The acute complications of diabetes are diabetic diabetic acidosis ( DKA ) and hyperglycemic hyperoslomar province ( HHS ) . Both upsets are associated with absolute or comparative insulin lack, volume depletion, and acid-base abnormalcies. These may take to serious complications if non quickly remedied. Diabetic Ketoacidosis The usual marks and symptoms of DKA are A sickness and emesis, hyperglycaemia, hypotension, Kussmaul respirations, fruity Oder on the patient ‘s breath, inordinate thirtst, and polyuria. DKA is characterized by hyperglycaemia, ketonemia, and metabolic acidosis that is accompanied by secondary metabolic abnormalcies. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State HHS may normally be seen in an aged person with Type II DM, with symptoms of polyuria, weight loss, and lessened unwritten consumption that preceded mental confusion or coma. Physical scrutiny shows profound desiccation and hyperosmolarity with concomitat hypotension, tachycardia, and altered mental province. In contrast to DKA, HHS does non present with sickness, purging, abdominal hurting and Kussmaul marks. Chronic complications of DM The chronicity of the disease brings about systemic engagement that affects multiple organ systems. Complications may be divided into nonvascular and vascular complications. Nonvascular complications include gastroparesis, tegument alterations, and cataracts. Vascular complications can be farther subdivided into micro and macrovascular. Microvascular alterations, which result from long standing hyperglycaemia include retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy. Macrovascular alterations include coronary arteria disease and peripheral arterial diseases. ( NIkki, I ‘ll direct you my bill of exchange. di ko getaway kung tama. I Ca n't make the model here. ) Figure 1.Conceptual ModelV. AimsA A A A A A A A A A A With the nature of the work and environment in a call centre industry, the survey aims to find if working in a call centre predisposes an person to the development of Type II diabetes mellitus ( DM ) . Specifically, it aims: a. A A A A A A A To find the incidence of Type II Diabetes Mellitus within the period of survey. b. A A A A A A A To find the etiologic factors associated with the development of Type II Diabetes Mellitus.VI. 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