Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pushing Too Hard

Problems in Youth Athletic Problems in Youth Athletics One of the greatest feelings a parent can experience is watching a child excel in an activity. Rightfully so, many parents encourage children to perform well in sports. The problems start when the encouragement begins to go too far. Many parents and coaches toady exceed the boundaries of encouragement, and enter a realm of abuse. A lot of this behavior will start when a parent of coach believes that they are mentoring the next superstar athlete. When parents and coaches start to look at children as major prospects the problems in youth athletics begin to become major issues. In the 1950’s youth athletic programs began to grow quickly all over the United States. Today millions of children participate in organized youth sports programs. These programs were set out to help develop the skills of the youth not only in sports but in life as well. Also, an important focus of the youth leagues was for the children to have fun. In the past few years, the focus of the youth leagues has been changed by the parents and coaches due to the focus on performance and winning. Children are being introduced to competitive play at an earlier age than ever before. Some of the youth leagues have children competing as early as age four. Today many children are expected to play one sport all year long through various leagues. A commitment of this level is not good for young children. There are many problems that come along with pushing children too hard in competitive sports. â€Å"Burnout† is one of the biggest problems a young athlete can experience during youth sports. Burnout is also known as overtraining syndrome. According to the Childrens Memorial Hospital, â€Å"burnout, or overtraining is a condition in which an athlete experiences fatigue and declining performance in his/her sport despite continuing or increased training. †(2002). There are many factors that can lead to burnout in a young athlete today. Burnout can be caused by pressure to perform at a high level, from parents and coaches. Parents pushing children through excessive training will also contribute to burnout. Excessive training can be seen as parents pushing children to play only one sport, and play that sport all year long. Burnout does not just mean that a young athlete does not want to play sports any longer, but also has other repercussions. Childrens Memorial Hospital states that symptoms of burnout can also include muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and weight loss among other symptoms. (2009). For many young athletes burnout will cause them to quit sports all together. This is becoming a major issue with children in their early teens. Cary stated that some eighteen million children stopped participating in team sports in 2002. (2004). This is a very disappointing number considering how many of those children loved the sports they played at one time. Burnout causes many talented players to quit playing just because they do not enjoy sports any longer. As parents and coaches continue to become more aggressive toward youth sports, injuries to the participatants are on the rise. The old saying, practice makes perfect may be true but, overuse can also cause injury to young athletes. As more children are pushed into participating in just one sport, and often on a year round schedule, doctors are seeing more overuse injuries. The National Alliance for Youth Sports stated that Dr. James Andrews, and orthopedic surgeon, is seeing four times as many overuse injuries than he did in the last five years. (2010). A good example of overuse is in youth baseball travel teams. A talented pitcher is asked to pitch in thirty or more games in a season. They would also have the young child practicing year round. The pitchers at the professional level are not asked to pitch that much in a season to prevent injury. The children are not protected from overuse but the professionals are. When a parent or coach asks a young athlete to perform at a level that even the professionals are protected from, it is just a matter of time before a child will sustain an injury. When youth sport began the programs were brought about with great intentions. Children were supported by positive role models and learned teamwork, but most of all had fun learning to play a game with their friends. It has been shown that parents and coaches are taking the fun out of youth athletics. Many of the parents want to believe that children will have more fun if they are the best at the sport they play. Overtraining a child has shown that children stop having fun and no longer care to play sports. The schedule and intense training that many children are being pushed into are causing many children to give up on sports. Most children want to start participating in youth sports because â€Å"They want to have a good time, make friends, and learn something new. † (Stenson 2004). â€Å"Avery Faigenbaum, an associate professor of exercise science at the University of Massachusetts in Boston asks kids who have quit why they are no longer interested in sports their typical response: â€Å"It is not fun anymore. †. (Stenson 2004) This helps prove that pushing kids too hard in sports will only take the fun out of the game. When the children do not want to play any longer then all of the time invested in over training children will not benefit anyone. When parents and coaches take the fun out of sports the children will not learn teamwork, and will have lower self-esteem. Childr en should be able to enjoy sports and gain all of the benefits from playing games they love. Actions must be taken to resolve the problems in youth sports. The children are the ones getting hurt in the process of parents and coaches pushing too hard in youth athletics. As children begin to quit playing sports they become more susceptible to bad influences and poor decision making. Without playing sports, children will become less physically active. Children that are not physically active will have a greater risk of becoming obese. Kids that are obese at a young age have more health risks as they get older. When the children that have dropped out of youth athletics get older the poor decision making can really take effect. Without the positive influence that a team sport can have on children, they will be more likely to try using drugs. Children using drugs will only lead to more problems and other illegal activity. Parents are a large problem in youth athletics. Many parents have turned watching their children play into something more serious that it really is. According to Parade, there was a case where a woman assaulted an eleven year old boy who was rooting for the team her son was playing against. (2005). There have been many time that parents and coaches have made children continue to pitch in a little league baseball game even though the child was complaining that their arm was hurting. One of the worst cases of parents going too far over youth athletics came at a hockey practice. Two parents were involved in a fight and one of the men was beaten to death during the altercation. Children should never be witness to these kinds of actions, especially during participation of a sporting event. Coaches can be just as big of a problem as parents in youth athletics. Many youth coaches want to win no matter what it takes. Coaches have been seen screaming at children when they make a mistake. They have been seen pushing and even hitting kids during a practice or game. Coaches are the ones who set out overly demanding practice schedules. It seems as though many coaches have forgotten what it really means to be a coach. The focus of youth athletics today needs to shift to fixing the problems in Youth athletics. Parents and coaches have to stop trying to live their dreams through the children they mentor. There are a few people who understand that changes must be made in youth athletics. Some organizations have begun to start up with the vision of teaching parents and coaches how to be positive role models in children’s sports. The National Alliance for Youth Sports has certified over two million youth coaches. (Cary 2004). The Positive Coaching Alliance is a training program that teaches parents and coaches to be positive. The famous National Basketball Association coach, Phil Jackson found the ideas of the PCA to also be effective at the professional level. (Cary 2004). These programs are just a good beginning to changing the way youth athletics are ran across the United States. One of the best programs to improve youth athletics started in the state of Maine. The program is called Sports Done Right. According to Parade, it is a program led by Duke Albanese and Robert Cobb. The SDR program marks parents and coaches as the two biggest problems in youth sports. The program requires that parents of children in youth athletics go to training sessions on behavior at sporting events. The parents also have to sign a compact to abide by a higher standard of sportsmanship. (2005). If improvements are to be made in any youth sports program has to be a main focus. The Sports Done Right Program is on coaching as well. Sports Done Right recommends compensation based on their level of training. †(Parade 2005). Coaches that are trained in the correct ways to motivate and teach children see improvements in their abilities. As parents and coaches receive proper training in dealing with youth athletics, the children participating will have more fun playing sports. As with many things in life, youth sports have drifted away from the original intentions . Youth sports organizations began as a way for children to stay busy and stay out of trouble. Sports gave children role models to look up to. Children will always benefit from the physical activities required by participating in organized sports. It is a shame that children are overworked too early and too often in sports so parents and coaches can try to relive their childhood dreams. The parents should let the children work on their dreams at their own pace. Youth athletics can have a major impact on a child’s life. It is the responsibility of the parents and coaches to ensure that the children they mentor are having a positive experience when participating in youth sports. The parents should focus on youth athletics is a fun experience with an opportunity to learn new skills and life lessons. Everyone knows that winning is fun, but winning should not be the number on goal in sports. It is time to take back youth sports for the children, and just let them play. References Cary, Peter. (2004). U. S. Fixing kid’s sports: rescuing children’s games from crazed coaches. News and World Report. Retrieved From http://www. alcdsb. on. ca/~regiath/cats/articles/FixingKidsSports. df National Alliance for Youth Sports. (2010). Overdoing it. Retrieved From http://www. nays. org/fullstory. cfm? articleid=10303 Parade. (2005). Who’s killing kids’ sports? Retrieved From http://www. parade. com/articles/editions/2005/edition_08-07-2005/featured_0 Stenson, Jacqueline. (2004). Pushing too hard too young. Retrieved From http://portal. northbayyouthsoccerclub. com/Clubs/portals/InnisfilSoccerclub/Medi a/Image/Articles/tt_pushing. pdf If you need to type anything after the reference list then start it on this page

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dr. Lindsay

The aims of this essay are to analyze Dr. Lindsay’s case study and to identify: (1) the educational roles that Dr. Lindsay held; (2) education, skills, requirements and settings for each type of role; and (3) what Dr. Lindsay could have done to be more successful in these settings. Throughout her life career, Dr. Lindsay held a variety of educational roles in different settings. These roles and settings can be generally grouped into three broad categories: (1) teaching in academia; (2) teaching in healthcare settings; and (3) delivering on-the-job education and training. The first educational role Dr. Lindsay held was to educate the employees of an agricultural company about chemical hazards and blood-borne pathogens. This type of job can classified as on-the-job education and training. While Dr. Lindsay possessed necessary qualifications and had good command of the information she had to deliver, she lacked skills in conveying this information and formulating effective teaching methodology. In order to be more successful in settings like those, one should be able to identify and adjust to audience’s diverse learning needs. It is also of paramount importance to assess audience’s readiness to learn prior to the commencement of the course. Since different learning needs dictate different learning style, each part of the audience should be presented with information in an engaging way that is relevant to their background, experience, and expectations from the learning process. Dr. Lindsay was able to make useful conclusions from the feedback she received, and effective organization of evaluation process as well as implementation of its results are two powerful tools of improving nursing education (Gaberson & Oermann, 2005; O'Connor, 2006). The second educational role Dr. Lindsay asserted was in academia, as allied health coordinator and nursing instructor at Wheatland Community College. In those settings, a prerequisite to success is the combination of organizational skills with deep knowledge of the scholarship of teaching. Dr. Lindsay felts that her qualifications were insufficient and decided to pursue a Master degree in nursing education. She successfully underwent all the three phases of reflective self-study, namely assessment, implementation, and dissemination (Drevdahl et. al., 2002). The next educational role Dr. Lindsay held was associated with delivering a course for nurses working in nursing homes. It was more practice-oriented yet still rested within the field of academia. While Dr. Lindsay’s qualifications were sufficient enough to teach it at an appropriate level, she had little autonomy to redesign the course with a view to making it more effective, since it was created by the state and had to follow specified curriculum and teaching guidelines. In order to be more successful in the settings like those, one should either pressure the superiors to reconsider the structure and content of the course — since, as Iwasiw (2005) argues, effective curriculum design is what makes nursing educational relevant to students — or combine the presentation of the formal content with experimenting with teaching methods and styles. As Stull & Lantz (2005) argue, effective nursing scholarship encompasses independent research into different teaching methods and techniques as well as keeping up to date with the development of the body of scientific knowledge on the subject of nursing. The next educational role of Dr. Lindsay was teaching staff development classes as a staff educator. In those settings, she turned out to lack administrative skills rather than educational qualifications. A good educator should be able to organize the learning process effectively both from academic and technical side. The next role Dr. Lindsay asserted was the one in healthcare settings as a nurse educator in a local WIC clinic. Despite her abundant experience and expertise in nursing education, she failed to identify learning needs of her diverse audiences, ranging from mothers who didn’t know how to make formula to the certified staff physicians. It was also excessive administrative workload that prevented her from succeeding in this position. Under that scenario, the most feasible way of solving the crisis would have been to delegate some part of her responsibilities to subordinates and focus on her core functions as a nurse educator. In the position of a nurse instructor at Carmel College Dr. Lindsay had to act as a clinical instructor, lecturer, and with a member of the committee that assessed the whole nursing program. However, in the position like this Dr. Lindsay had to acquire some additional technical qualifications, like HTML use. In addition, she had to grapple with problems of ethical character, like student plagiarizing papers. Another Dr. Lindsay’s position in academia was an assistant professor at Western State College. This position implied not only mastering her teaching techniques and effectively addressing diverse learning needs of the college attendees but also academic work like research and publishing. In other words, she had to posses not only ‘Scholarship of Practice’ and ‘Scholarship of Teaching’ but also ‘Scholarship of Discovery’ and ‘Scholarship of Integration’ (AACN, 1999). However, in order to master all these skills at a more quality level, there are certain practical steps to be taken. As Pape (2000) suggests, Scholarship of Practice can be mastered by attending seminars, workshops, and professional meetings; Scholarship of Teaching can be enhanced by community teaching; Scholarship of Discovery’ can be developed by quality improvement efforts; and Scholarship of Integration can be advanced by multidisciplinary work. And these are only singular examples of the methods that can be employed to mater these skills. Since developing research skills are a requirement for such a position, she had to pursue her PhD degree. As an associate professor at Champion University, Dr. Lindsay took a different approach to teaching, since she was working with graduate students whom she perceived as her colleagues. At Champion University, she also engaged in mentoring, which required mastering her interpersonal skills along with her academic scholarship. References AACN. (March 1999). Position  statement  on defining scholarship for the discipline of nursing. Retrieved October 3, 2007, from Drevdahl, D.J., Stackman, R.W., Purdy, J.M., ; Louie, B.Y. (September 2002). Merging reflective inquiry and self-study as a framework for enhancing the scholarship of teaching. Journal of Nursing Education 41(9): 413-420. Gaberson, K.B., ; Oermann, M.H. (2005). Evaluation And Testing in Nursing Education, 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Iwasiw, C. (2005). Curriculum Development in Nursing Education. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. O'Connor, A.B. (2006). Clinical Instruction And Evaluation: A Teaching Resource. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Pape, T. (2000). Boyer’s model of scholarly nursing applied to professional development. AORN Journal 71:   995, 997–999, 1001, 1003. Stull, A., & Lantz, C. (2005). An innovative model for nursing scholarship. Journal of Nursing Education 44(11): 493–497.   

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Federal Law Enforcement Agencies â€Å"There are many important Federal Law Enforcement Agencies in the U. S. but I decided to write about the ones that mostly caught my attention. † * American Correctional Association: The American Correctional Association, also known as ACA, is the oldest and largest international correctional association in the world. It serves all disciplines within the corrections profession and is dedicated to excellence in every aspect of the field.From professional development and certification to standards and accreditation, ACA is your resource and the world-wide authority in corrections. * Central Intelligence Agency: The function of the Central Intelligence Agency is to assist the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in carrying out the responsibilities. The CIA engages in research, development, and deployment of high-leverage technology for intelligence purposes. As a separate agency, CIA serves as an indepe ndent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Intelligence Community to ensure that the intelligence consumer. Department of Justice: The Department of Justice enforces the law. This federal agency defends the interests of the United States according to the law. It ensures public safety against threats foreign and domestic; it provides federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; it seeks just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and it ensures fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. * Homeland Security: The department of Homeland Security is focused on smart and effective enforcement of U. S. immigration laws streamlining and facilitating the legal immigration process.The department has fundamentally reformed immigration enforcement. It gives priority to the identification and removal of criminal aliens who pose a threat to public safety and targeting employers who knowingly a nd repeatedly break the law. * Drug Enforcement Administration: The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States. Those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances ppearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States will have their consequences. It recommends and supports non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets. References * http://post. ca. gov/federal-law-enforcement-agencies. aspx * https://www. cia. gov/ * http://www. aca. org/ * http://www. justice. gov/about/about. html * http://www. dhs. gov/prevent-terrorism-and-enhance-security * http://www. justice. gov/dea/agency/mission. htm

Monday, July 29, 2019

Immigration Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Immigration Choice - Essay Example The choice of the Copper Island represents a more calculated risk for the family. Mr. Paneo, being the head of the family, primarily considers the welfare of his wife and his two children by showing preference to less risky alternatives. Instead of waiting for more than a year before the immigration permit to United Territories is processed and granted, the Paneo family is better off sending Mr. Paneo immediately to Copper Islands. It should be noted that aside from the long wait for the immigration permit, the Paneo family lacks the assurance that they will meet the immigration eligibility for United Territories. The members of the Paneo family have strong ties with each other considering their decision to stay together as one family. However, it is also assumed that they are also willing to endure some sacrifices for their utmost benefit. Thus, the Paneo family, with sad but hopeful hearts, will permit their father to immigrate first in the Copper Islands for a year. This will allow Mr. Paneo to find a good job and a house before his family move in. This will also enable him to prepare his family by providing them with essential information like the climate, the culture, the food and things that they need to be cope with.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Impact of Imprecise Language as a Literary Device Essay

The Impact of Imprecise Language as a Literary Device - Essay Example This essay demonstrates that the author weaves this profile with the graphic description of her experience at the peep shoe, the stilted English offering the text as perhaps even more erotic than had it been described in more detail by a native speaker. Sending her from â€Å"home† as she lovingly sees it, as a comfortable place, may expand her view of her simplistic world as reflected in her simplistic language style but we contemplate now the intentions of her lover. Le Guin writes, â€Å"Later on, when her lover sends her across the Channel ‘to gain experience’, her ignorant indifference to local convention leads her into some very risky behaviour. She certainly gains experience, though what she learns from it is questionable† (17).  This essay demonstrates that the author weaves this profile with the graphic description of her experience at the peep shoe, the stilted English offering the text as perhaps even more erotic than had it been described in m ore detail by a native speaker. Sending her from â€Å"home† as she lovingly sees it, as a comfortable place, may expand her view of her simplistic world as reflected in her simplistic language style but we contemplate now the intentions of her lover. Le Guin writes, â€Å"Later on, when her lover sends her across the Channel ‘to gain experience’. In conclusion, Guo, in using â€Å"wrong English† throughout the novel is accomplishing the point she sets out: no matter how the language itself improves, acceptance as the individual speaking it has a much farther and more difficult way to go.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Radiation and Thermal Conductivity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Radiation and Thermal Conductivity - Lab Report Example The third experiment involved the verification of Stefan Boltzmann law and the general realization was that there exists a direct proportionality between the intensity of radiation and the ration between emitter temperature and ambient temperature to factor four (?4). The fourth experiment involved an analysis of Aluminum and Stainless Steel. During the analysis the general realization was that the thermal conductivity of Aluminum was that the thermal conductivity of Aluminum. Introduction Radiation can be defined as the situation arising from the interaction involving heat between a system and the surrounding environment. Consequently thermal radiation involves the study of the electromagnetic radiation emitted as a result of the temperature of the emitter with regard to the dual-wave particle nature of electromagnetic radiation (Mahan, 2002). According to Mahan, studies of Heat have led to the realization that heat is an energy that occurs as a result of energy variations between a system and its surroundings. The basis of the experiment was to conduct an analysis on the various characteristics of thermal radiation as a form of heat transfer and the characteristics are applicable in real life situations. The objective of the first experiment was to study the relationship between the view factor designated F and the intensity of the radiation measured in terms of the temperature. The second experiment was aimed at validating the postulation that there exists an inverse proportionality relationship between the source of heat and the surface. The third experiment was aimed at validating the Boltzmann law which is mathematically expressed as: qb = O( Ts4 – Ta4 ) The fourth experiment was aimed at comparing the thermal conductivity of two different metals. Literature Review Apart from conduction and convection heat can be transferred via radiation. The major difference between radiation and the other forms of heat transfer is that radiation can travel in a vaccum because unlike conduction and convection that require molecules, radiation does not require molecules. Radiation occurs via elecgtromagnetic waves. According to Theodore (2011) any system that has a temperature greater than absolute zero is an emitter of thermal radiation. Theodore outlines that the amount of radiation given out by a given system depends on both the temperature and the charatceristics of the surface. In essence, the undertanding of thermal radiation requires an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation is an occurrence experienced when the atoms of a system become excited from their dormant state so that they acquire enough internal energy to begin emitting the radiation. Am example of a biological phenomenon that depends on radiation is sight. Although we are not able to see the electromagnetic waves our eyes are able to detect the waves and the ability allows us to percieve the images of the objects around us. Although radiati on can be approached from the particulate aspect, scientists have since found it more convenient to approach radiation from the wave aspect. According to Kubota (2007), scientists now approach radiation as involving emission of wavelengths by solid particles. In the study of black body radiation, scientists have also

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis of Business Excellence criteria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Analysis of Business Excellence criteria - Essay Example This formula for such unflinching success has come through none of what management books could preach. The story behind the rise of Emirates Group lies in being an opportunist and seeking the opportunity at the right time and solving all their problems as and when they came through. This can be highlighted as one of company’s key strengths. Emirates has been working in a multicultural environment where the company seeks to address whatever shall keep the company motivated and ensure team functions to perform well. The key business practice is to keep things running as they are if they appear good, defying the conventional wisdom of not having any functional fit in the organization. Emirates group is run like a family rather than a management driven organization. It is a fully owned government organization based in Dubai. As a part of business strategy, the company has a policy of not entertaining any alliance and believes in making strategic partnerships with its competitors t o move forward on the path of success. Its range of services includes commercial airlines offering all of passenger, postal and cargo services. It also sells consumer goods in airlines as both wholesale and retail. It also operates in hotels and resorts and engineering products is leisure and destination management (The Emirates group, 2013C). As a part of company strategy, Emirates group does not believe in a fixed organizational structure and has built its company structure based on people strengths. Also, the company does not have a board of directors that comprises of executive and non-executive directors. They have a group of 30 people who discuss an agenda openly. The senior management and HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum act as the sole decision making body. This senior management believes in focussing on details, rather than the bigger picture. Emirates also follow a strategy of hiring people from all across the world. Staff salaries are pegged to their home country base s but recruitment from across the globe has its own economic advantages. Employees get attracted to the company despite its comparatively lower salary because of lack of tax implications in Dubai. This allows the company to have a competitive advantage over its staff costs. The paper is a survey that is based on the EFQM model. It analyses the Emirates Group on nine parameters of the model through survey results. The results are analysed and helps in determining key strengths and weaknesses of the company. Based on the analysis, the paper concludes with recommendations of suggested practices. Methodology In this section, the research methodology has been discussed. It is to be noted that the research was carried out by means of a questionnaire based on the EFQM excellence model. The questionnaire was answered based on the secondary data obtained from various print and online sources. Based on self assessment study, the answers to the questions were formulated, wherein each answer is based on information obtained through secondary source of data. No outside person, group of persons or body corporate was approached for seeking answers to the questionnaire. The question response format was based on a Likert scale of 1 to 6. However, each one of these numbers was defined in terms of attributes as Zero Base, Very Weak, Weak, Acceptable, Strong and Extremely Strong. The scores were assigned as 1

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The evalution of copycats impact in market Essay - 1

The evalution of copycats impact in market - Essay Example premise encompassed high-similarity copycats would loose while the subtle copycats gain in the presence of a leader brand (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). Since, the clients will be capable of making critical comparisons backed by former theories, which they have regarding the leader brand. Therefore, the article’s authors hypothesized that â€Å"shopping situation† usually avails consumers with an ample time meant to explicitly compare copycat brands with the leader, whereby the blatant lose and the subtle copycats gain (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). To prove this hypothesis, the authors utilized both comparative and noncomparative evaluations to ascertain which copycats’ category would gain or lose under each test (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). Results indicated that, moderate-similarity copycats gained under comparative evaluation contrary to high-similarity copycats because leader brands acted as their standard measures (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). Conversely, high-similarity copycats gained under noncomparative evaluation whereas the moderate or subtle lost due to the assimilation aspect (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). In the latter test, there was no leader brand meant for comparison, hence the clients ended up suggesting the high-similarity copycats being close to the standard brand (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). In conclusion, despite a recent court ruling declaring reputation riding is unacceptable, subtle copycats will still benefit without the leader brands’ corporations prosecuting them (Van Horen & Pieters,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Plz follow the instruction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plz follow the instruction - Research Paper Example The global outlook advocates ample coordination between the various safety departments (Manuele, 2005). This paper will explore the scope of a coordinated approach to address the crash risks in relation to road haulage. Globalization has increased the volume of freight, and road transportation is a prime area of focus. Since the haulage systems are not fully mechanized or computerized, focus on the human factor is essential. The paper aims to evaluate the risk of crashes entailed in haulage along with scrutiny of research, regulation, regulation, and awareness in this field. It also looks into the current and future risk mitigation measures. In this paper, a specific safety risk has been selected. It is the safety risk of crash associated with road haulage. The history of how the mitigation of this risk has been addressed in research studies, regulation, and public awareness campaigns has been researched and analyzed. Also, the findings are summarized, current risk mitigation efforts are evaluated, and recommendations are made for the future. The business of road haulage depends on the fleet of Lorries that are used for general and long distance haulage across the United States and to the countries like Mexico and Canada. Risk assessment and management for the drivers involved in this kind of transportation business is critical. The safety risk is mainly centered on the crash possibilities. Again, the risk of a dangerous road crash during haulage depends on certain important factors. There is a technical difference between the terms risk and hazard. Risk is generally considered as combining a hazard with its associated probability (American Society of Safety Engineers, 1990). Safety risk involved in road haulage depends on certain hazards associated to their possibilities, especially in the case of crash possibilities. The risk of crashes in road haulage can be evaluated on the basis of certain factors of hazards in combination with their high possibility and o ccurrence. Dangerous goods transportation is a primary consideration. Accident of a truck carrying fertilizers or explosive chemical cannot only injure the driver but damage the locality and environment as well (Fabiano et al, 2002). Hand held cell phone use during driving is also a prominent risk factor (McCartt and Hellinga, 2007). Possibility of collisions with other vehicles particularly at the intersections is another serious risk. The driver’s age is an important consideration in this regard (Mayhew et al, 2006). Driver fatigue, particularly during the long haul, is another risk factor entailed in the crash possibilities of road haulage. Mitigation of a safety risk is possible of course. History of mitigation of risks in regards of road haulage is interesting indeed. In the case of road haulage, combined effort from the authorities concerned with occupational safety and highway security is necessary. In 1970, the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH act) was passed. â€Å"The act allowed national collection of OHS statistics for the first time. Occupational safety and health standards are put out by the Department of Labor and take legal precedence over state laws and regulations.† (Taylor et al, 2004: 114) Thus, an inter-state framework for the safety of the

H.W Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

H.W - Assignment Example For managers, allowing employees to work in teams influences the success of the organization, but this also requires the application of work design as a way of fostering high productivity for the same. Therefore, it is imperative for managers to innovate ways that can help in improving team performance for the benefit of the organization and the target market that they serve. One way of a manager can improve team performance can be through the fostering of cohesion within the team by making sure that they treat them fairly and without any bias. Further, providing of equal opportunities to all can also influence team performance as it helps in drawing out the best nof each team member for the benefit of the organization. Motivation is also another way that a manager can use for influencing team performance by providing bonuses to those that perform extraordinarily, which can also influence other team members to be better. As the team leader, the first step would be to allow each of the six team members to provide their ideas on which of the recommended software is the best and also allow them to provide reasons for them supporting or not supporting this software. Therefore, my plan would be to assign each of the team members to research on the possible software that the insurance company is likely to purchase and allow them to gather information on the merits and demerits of each of these. This would help each of the team members to participate in the process and allow each of them to contribute fairly rather than shooting the ideas of each other down. The least effective team that I have ever worked with is that which recommends things to be done as this does not see through that the ideas that they provide are implemented. One characteristic that this team had was that its only involvement was in the planning and research process of product or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Floods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Floods - Research Paper Example This implies that there is the likelihood of the upper Mississippi River basin experience changes in its eco systems depending on the responses of consumers and food resources to a high magnitude, unpredicted flood. The evidence for this research was based on Laboratory experiments. In order to determine the authenticity of the main hypothesis of this research work, samples were collected from the upper Mississippi River near the city of Louisiana Missouri (Delong et al, 2001). This area was used to act as a representative of the river flood plain features of the upper part of Mississippi River and it is characterized by a broad channel with a number of side channels and backwaters. Samples representing the potential nutrient sources and consumers were collected from all the three rivers in October 1993 and July 1994 for analysis of the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (Delong et al, 2001). Statistical analysis was done on the collected samples and using pair wise comparison. The results indicated there were few inter-annuals differences for each rivers n regard to the sources of the organic matter and the consumers. The main implication of this research is that the findings of past studies relate in a big way to the large-magnitude flood events in the upper Mississippi River system, therefore this strengthens the conclusion that the flood served to enhance rather than change the trophic structure within these river-floodplain ecosystems. The results obtained from this research imply that the consumers continued to rely on the sources of organic matter that would be used in the absence of the unpredicted 1993 flood (Delong et al, 2001). It is proposed that the trophic structure did not change in response to flooding in the Missouri Rivers because both rivers exhibited the same trends observed in the Ohio River. From the article â€Å"Pesticide and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Social, historical and cultural implications of 19th century Essay Example for Free

Social, historical and cultural implications of 19th century Essay Significance of social, historical and cultural implications of 19th century Britain, featured in Austens Pride and Prejudice In the early 1800s, Jane Austens novels were different to anything else that had been written in those times, and regarded as quality works of literature by her critics. However, it wasnt until after her untimely death in 1817 that Austen was discovered to be a woman. She had remained anonymous throughout her career as a novelist, initially due to the prejudices and sexism of her times. The situation is similar to a fellow author of the 1800s, Mary Ann Evans, who posed as George Elliot in order to publish her literature. Without anonymity, these women would not have had millions of the worlds population poring over their writings nearly two hundred years on. It was a cultural barrier for women to enter a supposedly males world. Jane Austen wrote about the social difficulties everyday people faced in works such as Emma and Mansfield Park, but it is her most popular piece, Pride and Prejudice that displayed the most in-depth knowledge of the key themes of society. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a good wife. This is the opening line of Pride and Prejudice, which is an amazingly brief and honest summary of the book. Two of the main themes are declared, money and marriage, and it also sets the stage for a chase-either by the young man in search of a bride, or by young women in pursuit of him as a husband. In the first chapter, there is a conversation between the matriarch and patriarch of the Bennet family. Mrs Bennet, an amazingly over-scrupulous woman intent arranging the five Bennet girls marriage, relates some important news to her husband that has obviously excited her, namely- Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the North of England, a single man named Mr Bingley, of four or five thousand a year! What a fine thing for our girls! Mrs Bennett seems particularly happy over the fact that Mr Bingley is a wealthy man who will bring one of her girls a title and honourable reputation. Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest of the daughters, is a lively, good-humoured young girl with an astonishing level of intelligence. Elizabeth is able to give her judgement on certain situations which arise, and is aware of the importance of social etiquette, though she does not always follow it herself. Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy is one of the richest men in Derbyshire, and has arrived as a guest in the Bennets home town of Hertfordshire to stay with his close friend Charles Bingley at Netherfield. Mr Darcy, having had a good upbringing and high social status, looks down upon the country folk at the Lucass ball, believing himself to be above their status. When Mr Bingley asks Mr Darcy what he thinks of Elizabeth, he replies She is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me. This shows how much pride he has in his own social standing. Bingleys sisters are also staying with him at Netherfield, and behave in the same proud manner of Mr Darcy. Indeed, the unmarried Miss Bingley is hoping to secure a match between her and Mr Darcy, whilst the other sister is already married to a man named Mr Hurst. By the time the second ball is held at Netherfield, Mr Darcy realises he harbours strong feelings for Elizabeth, and lets slip his feeling of admiration for her to Caroline Bingley, who cattily replies You will have a charming mother-in-law indeed, and, of course, she will always be at Pemberley with you. Miss Bingley laughs at the fact that Mr Darcy could hold a place in his heart for the likes of Elizabeth Bennet, whos family are much lower down the social charter, particularly the brash antics of Mrs Bennet. When the eldest, Jane Bennet, is taken ill on the way to lunch at the Bingleys and is forced to recover at Netherfield, Elizabeth acts quickly and leaves immediately to come to her sisters aid. Unfortunately, it is still quite muddy from the rain, and Elizabeths dress is soiled. This was definitely not how a lady would have normally behaved; she would make sure that her appearance would always remain immaculate. Miss Bingley and Miss Hurst are quite shocked by Elizabeths antics. Very nonsensical to come at all! Why must she be scampering about the country, because her sister had a cold? Her hair so untidy, so blowsy! Miss Bingley continues It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence, a most country town indifference to decorum. Clearly, they think it is strange that one should have such affection for a person they are close to, that they would disregard their own personal appearance. It is doubtful that the Bingley sisters would have done what Elizabeth did for Jane. They pity (In other words, pretend to feel remorse for) the Bennets status, I wish with all my heart she were well settled. But with such a father and mother, and such low connections, I am afraid there is no chance of it. Mr Collins, Mr Bennets cousin, visits Longbourne early on in the book. Before his arrival, he sends a letter announcing his imminent arrival, to which Mrs Bennet is most displeased I do think it is the hardest thing in the world that your estate should be entailed away from your own children. Mr Bennet expands on this quote It certainly is a most iniquitous affair, and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourne. In Austens times, unless a patriarch had a son for a male heir, there would be no chance of the women in the family staying in the house after their husband or father died. This is partly why Mrs Bennet is so intent on marrying off her daughters as soon as possible, The Collinss will turn us out, before he is cold in his grave; and if you are not kind to us, brother, I do not know what we shall do. Jane Austen wrote about a similar situation in her previous novel Sense and Sensibility, where Mr Dashwood died, and had to leave all his estate and money to his son and his wife, so the female Dashwoods were left to find another home. Mr Collins is one of the funniest characters in the book, as he comes across as a bit of a fool. He is a clergyman in Derbyshire, but his behaviour is far from holy. Mr Collins is willing to tell anybody who listens about his noble patroness Lady Catherine de Bourgh. This is a great source of humour in the book, for Mr Collins social status is far from high, but he assumes his peers will be impressed by his connections- I have been so fortunate as to be distinguished by the patronage of the Right Honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh. At Netherfield, despite her dislike for Mr Darcy, Elizabeth is shocked when Mr Collins proposes he should introduce himself to Darcy, being Lady Catherine de Bourghs nephew. Her instant reply is You are not going to introduce yourself to Mr Darcy! Elizabeth is aware of the cultural barriers of this introduction, as the narration explains It must belong to Mr Darcy, the superior in consequence, to begin the acquaintance. Netherfield ball reflected how socially inept the Bennett family were in the company of aristocrats. Elizabeth and Jane are acutely aware of their mother talking at the top of her voice- Mrs. Bennet seemed incapable of fatigue while enumerating the advantages of the match between Jane and Bingley. His being such a charming young man, and so rich, and living but three miles from them It is not only Mrs Bennet that is behaving in a way that no self-respecting person would do in polite company Marys powers were by no means fitted for such a display; her voice was weak, and her manner affected. This is about the middle Bennet daughter, Mary. After Mary tries to start a new song, her father makes the situation worse by trying to stop her That will do extremely well, child. You have delighted us long enough. Let the other young ladies have time to exhibit. Elizabeth knows her familys behaviour will bring unpleasant social implications amongst the guests in future, To Elizabeth it appeared that had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they could during the evening The day after the ball, Elizabeths second cousin Mr Collins makes her an offer she was not expecting, and proposes to her. But the fact is, that being, as I am, to inherit this estate after the death of your honoured father, I could not satisfy myself without resolving to chuse a wife from among his daughters, that the loss to them might be as little as possible, when the melancholy event takes place Mr Collins thinks that Elizabeths situation is so desperate that she will accept Mr Collins straightway, but he is wrong. Elizabeth refuses him You are too hasty sir. Mr Collins replies it is by no means certain that another offer of marriage may ever be made you. Your portion is unhappily so small that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your loveliness and amiable qualifications. It is quite true what the otherwise idiotic Mr Collins is saying, Elizabeth with her low connections may remain an old maid her whole life if she does not settle down. When Elizabeth is staying at an inn with her aunt and uncle, Mr Darcy pays her a visit and admits how he feels about herIn vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. This is not a very wise proposal to make, as Mr Darcy has just blatantly stated that he has tried to fight off the feelings for Elizabeth in the past as he is her social superior. Elizabeth is, quite rightly, angry at the way the proposal was carried out, and Mr Darcy replies to her angry comment And this is all the reply which I am to have the honour of expecting! Mr Darcy was certain that a girl from a low class would certainly accept one of the richest and eligible men in Englands hand in marriage. Lydia Bennet, the youngest out of the girls, is also the most mischievous. Lydia is very easy going and carefree with absolutely no regard whatsoever for social etiquette, much like her mother. She overrules her elder sister Kitty, for she is quite boisterous, and insists on following the regiment that has recently arrived in Meryton If we make haste, perhaps we may see something of Captain Carter before he goes. It was not the done thing for a lady to follow around other men endlessly. When Elizabeth is at Darcys house in Derbyshire, Miss Bingley says to her rather cuttingly Pray, Miss Eliza, are not the -shire militia removed from Meryton? They must be a great loss to your family. However, Elizabeth dislikes Lydias frolicking with the officers as much as Miss Bingley, and is shocked when she hears Lydia is chosen to be an escort for the wife of one of the Colonels and is going to Brighton. Elizabeth pleads with her father not disallow Lydia, Her character will be fixed, and she will, at sixteen, be the most determined flirt that ever made herself and her family ridiculous. She continues My dear father, can you suppose it possible that they will not be censured and despised wherever they are known, and that their sisters will not be often involved in the disgrace? Elizabeth is not overreacting, she is quite right. For news soon emerges from Brighton that Lydia has eloped with Mr Wickham, who has a reputation for luring young girls away and bribing them for money. This was deemed incomprehensible, that a lady had run away to live with a man without them having been married. Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Darcys aunt and Mr Collinss patroness, is the proud head of the noble estate Rosings Park. When she hears of the news that Elizabeth may be betrothed to her nephew, she takes a carriage straight down to Longbourne to confront her. She greatly hurts Elizabeths pride The upstart pretensions of a young woman without family, connections, or fortune. Is this to be endured? Elizabeth replies He is a gentleman; I am a gentlemans daughter. Lady Catherine makes a swift comeback But who is your mother? Lady Catherine is quite right, Mrs Bennet is not a gentlewoman and has not grown up to become one. She secured a marriage with Mr Bennet with her good looks alone. Elizabeth turned down two proposals quite easily, unlike her close friend Charlotte Lucas, who becomes engaged to Mr Collins, much to her surprise. Without thinking highly either of men or of matrimony, marriage had always been her object; it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune. We learn Charlotte is twenty seven, which was not the right age to get married; it would have been younger than that. Charlotte explains to Elizabeth why, even though she felt no love for Mr Collins, she accepted his proposal I am not romantic, you know. I never was. I ask only a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collinss character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state. It was better for Charlotte to marry a man she had no feelings for, rather than wait for a mutual appreciation with a male like Elizabeth. Marrying someone she felt nothing for w as better than being an old maid for the rest of her days. Mr Collinss connections however minor were still connections. Due to the laws in olden-day England, it was cultural for a male heir to inherit the entire estate when the head of the family had died. This would leave all the females of the household destitute. It was socially unacceptable for a lady to struggle to maintain decorum, as the Bingleys stated. Social superiors had to introduce themselves first, which is precisely what Mr Collins did not do when he met Mr Darcy. Well brought up women certainly did not elope with their suitors. It would have an adverse affect on the rest of the family, whom would find it hard to secure a marriage after such a scandal. Mr Darcy had fallen with love with Elizabeth, but certainly could not hope to marry her after the scandal of her sister. Darcy made sure Wickham married Lydia, their marriage was nothing but a social cover up. It should also be noted, how Jane Austen never wrote about a conversation between two males alone separated from other women. Perhaps this is because it wasnt socially accepted that a woman was alone for a considerable period of time with a group of males, much different to life nowadays, when plenty of females have close bonds to men. Despite this, Pride and Prejudice was quite modern in its day. A hundred years previously, Mr Darcy would not have paid attention to Elizabeth, nor would Lady Catherine have taken to the trouble of going to Longbourne to meet Elizabeth. She would have summoned Elizabeth to Rosings instead. A few things have not changed since then, gays and lesbians were a taboo subject back then and the matter is still a sensitive subject to this day with a fair amount of people. A good example of how threatening homosexuality is to others can be seen in the film Heavenly creatures, where the families of two girls were sent into panic when they discovered that the girls were possibly in love with one another. It was deemed socially unacceptable, and thought of as a phase or a brief illness. That was the 1950s, but it is still not uncommon now. However, there is a stark contrast to what was acceptable two hundred years previously to what is acceptable now. For example, it is not shameful at all for two people who are courting to live together. The rules and laws have been relaxed a great deal in general, but Austens masterpiece showed us what life was like to be living under them and the complications they bestowed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Synopsis Of Work Life Balance

The Synopsis Of Work Life Balance A literature review is a critical and in depth evaluation of previous research in a particular area. It allows anyone reading the paper to establish why you are pursuing this particular research program. The role of a literature review is to discover answers to a research problem. Machi Mc Evoy (2008 pp.3) explain an advance literature review as the foundation for identifying a problem that demands original research, and is the basis for the study of a research problem. Both authors even explain further that a literature review critically proposes further research which guides the problem into identifying research objective which then leads to findings and conclusion from the whole research. Therefore the literature review covers areas such as the synopsis of work life balance, the benefits, the approach of gender towards work and life, policies implemented and the best practice approach to balancing work and non-work demands. 2.1 The Synopsis of Work Life Balance Work-life balance is defined as the equilibrium between the amount of time and effort somebody devotes to work and that given to other aspects of life. However Kaila (2005 pp.223) relates work life balance as creating supportive, healthy work environments for employees who are striving to better integrate their work and personal responsibilities. In the early nineteen century society had categorised working as dominant over life and personal commitments. However, in this new millennium of the twenty century, the changing patterns of individuals interest, gender, social roles and particularly the workforce have shifted where individuals are seeking personal values and managing the complexities of life expectations. 2.2 The Benefits of Work-Life Integration: The key business drivers for work-life balance in the workplace tends to foster positive outcome such as increase productivity, reduced turnover, raised morale attract and retain employees. Thompson et al. (1999 pp.14) indicated if an organization fosters individual work-life integration a central expectation is a positive impact on individual work performance. Professionals experiencing time stress or psychological stress because of their high workload and maybe because of the demands of private life that they cannot fulfill satisfactorily, will be likely to suffer from low concentration and in the end lower productivity. Conversely, Hudson (2005) analysis underlined that employees in organizations who dont have a balance of work and non work matters tends to experience and generate negative outcomes. In fact Hudson (2005) expressed further by implying that employees are more likely to be less productive, less committed and highly decisive of leaving the organisation once they are experiencing increased stress due to work/life conflicting issues and are perceived of having no control over balancing work and non-work demands. However Kaiser et al. (2010) believed that if one viewed balancing work and life concept as a means of lowering absenteeism, reducing stress and health issues, then one can safely relate that work-life integration can have a positive impact on employees performance and productivity. So based on what was stated above, it may appear that the organisations are the ones benefiting from work-life balance. However Kossek Lambert (2005) implied that employees also benefit from work-life balance outcomes where workers experience lower level of stress, reduce work and non-work conflicts and constrains and have greater autonomy and flexibility in achieving work-life balance. In light of what was stated above by relevant authors, it is prudent to point out that work-life integration can have a positive outcome which benefits the employees and enhance the organisation. 2.3 Organizational Behaviour towards Work-Life Balance: The present magnitude of viewing work life balance is to promote a healthy balance between work and non work commitments which should be the main idea for organisations to consider. However not all managers view work life balance as positive outcomes for the organization. In fact Rodbourne (1996) argued that the work/life culture can be perceived as a factor correlated to less job security and negative career progression due to the utilization of work/life policies. Conversely, Druker (2000) implied that it is corporation social responsibilities to encourage work-life balance within their organization. However more and more organizations are promoting and even offering work life balance programs in the workplace. Herlihy Maiden (2005) imply that successful organizations are where they are today because they invest in their employees since they recognised that people are capital assets of the organizations rather than a cost to be administered. Both authors also believed that in order for employees to be effective at work, they themselves need to be able to make unique contributions to the organisation that lies within the contexts of their own personal condition. In relation to Herlihy Maiden (2005), Powell (2010 pp 199) explained that individuals success in managing the work-family interface is influenced by the environments that their employers provide and the strategies they adopt. Powell (2010) continued further stating that employees who have family-supportive managers and work in organization that offers family-friendly initiatives tends to stay with the organization. 2.4 Gender and Work Life Balance The early version of working in society was composed that men were the dominant ones towards work while women were distinguished as housewives, however the structure of that conception has dramatically change where women are just as equal to men in aspect of professionals. Maron (2009) reported on Equal Stress signified that studies have found that women are contributing 44% of the household family income compared in the past and that childcare by men have increased in recent times. Friedman Greenhaus (2000) pointed out that long ago it was known that men was the breadwinner and women was the stay-at-wives, however changes has shifted in the composition of the workplace tremendously. Friedman Greenhaus (2000) noted that women make up half the workforce and is increasing in higher levels whereas there is fewer pressure on men categorized has the sole breadwinner. Korabik et al., (2008 pp.223) stated that the gender role ideology conceptualized the tradition that women should give priority to family responsibilities and men to work responsibilities. However Korabik et al. (2008) advocated the fact that the gender role ideology emphasizes a more stereotype role where it often produce a negative impact on both mothers and women and have developed a one-sided judgmental analysis. Instead the detriment effect of this should impact on men also so that women should not be expected to conform to the stereotype gender role. Despite the many variations of work and life roles for women, Cleveland et al. (2000) stated that the underlying assumption focuses that the model life-role for women was homemaker and that working women careers and work commitments would be interrupted by pregnancy and childcare. Cleveland et al. (2000) imply that yes women do stop working briefly due to pregnancy however majority of them do return to work after that short interruption. Reeves (2010) emphasizing that whether women are taking care of children, cleaning, cooking and dealing with errands, women of today has been and are working harder than before to meet the demands of work at home and on the job. Reece Brandt (2006) pointed out that most working men, just as women, need to balance work and personal life and now have choices which relate to marriage and family life concerns. According to Strober (2010) reported on US Banker News proclaimed that 40% of men wants to be employed by organizations that allows them to employ there managerial skills and at the same time still have time to be successful fathers and husbands. 2.5 Policies behind work-life balance: In many organizations there are a range of policy choices that have been put in place to accommodate employees in the field of work life issues. Polices implemented in organisations are intended to assist employees, especially caregivers and females, to manage work and personal conflicts. Supporters of policies argue that the policies in HR practices help people achieve balance of work and life issues. Sparrow Cooper (2003 pp.220) applied the situational theory framework quoting work-life balance policies are introduces where the organizations sees a direct link between them and a solution to problems of absenteeism, and staff turnover. He indicated that employers are implementing policies as part of a strategy in attempt to illustrate caring responsibilities for coping parents. However, according to Hudson (2005 pp.14), the mere availability of extensive and generous work/life policies does not necessary result in widespread utilisation by employees or subsequently improvements in work/life balance reductions in work/life conflicts. He explains that the complex nature of work-life balance policies is not being utilized because employees are afraid to use the programs as a result of fear of negative consequences. Coussey (2000) mirrored Hudson (2005) statement by implying that employers may believe that it is insignificant benefits of having these polices and that employees may be unable to afford to make use of these policies because of concerns that it may affect their career progression. However, according to Torun (2007 pp.5) the potential benefits of work-life programmes, can lead to real qualitative and quantitative benefits for the employer in terms of productivity gains, lower turnover rate, a stronger team spirit and loyalty to employer. His analysis of work life balance is associated with employees performance which provides evidences that a well structure programme can assist with time management benefits for both the employees and the employers in terms to increase productivity and at the same time personal life satisfaction. Conversely, to compliment to Torun (2007) analysis, Crouter Booth (2009) implied that organisation that has a supportive work-family culture is associated to positive outcomes that organisations benefit from such as increase commitment, higher job satisfaction, lower absenteeism, decreased work family conflict, decreased psychological distress, fewer somatic complaints and decreased role strain. Edwards, Scott Raju (2003) said that work life program have been created to assist with the managing of working individuals responsibilities of both work and personal matters. Galinsky Johnson (1998) argued that these very said policies are suppose to be seen as essential way of attracting and retaining best talent for organisations. Burke Cooper (2006 pp.149) have similar opinion to Galinsky Johnson (1998) statement by quoting that the provision of work-life benefits more clearly distinguishes an employer from its competitors and might have substantial effects on an organisations image as good place to work. Conversely to state, in this particular area all authors that have given their analysis about policies and work-life balance are simply emphasizing that organisations that implement work -life policies tend to attract committed employees to work for them. 2.5.1 The Characteristics of Work-Life Balance: The transition of work-life balance challenges the cognition that the demographic workforce has changed drastically in recent years. The fact of the matter is that the workforce includes dual-earner partners who are married and have the responsibilities to care for children and presently some are also burden with adult-care responsibility too. Because of these encounter, several legislation policies was introduced in the UK to accommodate the European workforce commitment, just to name few from the set are: Parental Leave Maternity Leave Flexible Time Time off for dependants 2.5.2 Flexible Working: The concept of flexible working has been commonly utilized by many organizations to assist employees with balancing work and life. Many employers understand the need for flexible working because of the growing diversity of women in the workplace, ageing population and young adults pursuing an education and wishing to work at the same time. In fact reporter Coughlan (2009) studies have found that every two person in an organisation there are now more than one person in education. According to Peper et al. (2005) employees need flexibility in the workplace that would assist them to balance the demands of work and family. Peper et al., (2005) implied further that employees no longer anticipate their jobs as long life, but do except to build self-opportunities from working. Specifically the ability to keep this in mind is very essential for managers. Robertson (2007) critically send a very important message stating that organizations that offer flexible working arrangements to employees offers employees to promote good balance between work and home life will evolve to healthy employees and healthy employees are good for business. To coincide with Robertson (2007), Konrad (2006) argued that studies have found that employees who have access to work-life flexibility demonstrate stronger organizational commitments and decreases employees intention to leave the organisation. 2.6 Best Practices promoting Work-Life Balance: The complexity of a best practice approach would be appealed by employees once offered by organisations. By exhibiting this context it would assist in develop strategic responses and positive concepts for employees and employers. Burke Cooper (2008 pp.229) best practices in the workplace are generally understood as a set of practices or actions which results in optimum outcomes, ideally benefiting both employees and the employing organisation. Burke Cooper (2008) further explains that the imperative of work practices increases the morale of meeting the dual agenda of employees well-being and workplace effectiveness. To mirrored Burke Cooper (2008), according to Taylor (2002) he indicated that organizational practices often assists companies to achieve competitive advantage in the marketplace. They argued that these practices usually enhance business performance in organizations that implement practices. However, another theorist Cooper (2005) disagreed with the statement above, she indicated that what is consider good practice in one organizations may not be appropriate in one another. According to Lewis Cooper (2005 pp.5) good practice in a specific context may be inadequate tomorrow, which is why an understanding of the process is more useful than just practices for sustaining long-term positive outcomes. The nature of best practice approach predominantly utilized in organisations is initially defined to support employees work-life responsibilities and commitments. Brown (2005) found that the utilization of best practice approach of work life integration does not only benefit employees, but also organisations and employers with an open mind to this approach somehow succeed in attracting valued employees and maintain a motivated staff whereby delivering positive outcome. In the interim to promote work life balance organisations should adopt best practice approach that would encourage flexibility and positive results in both employees and employers. So perhaps incorporating family-friendly policies and practices in the workplace could make a difference for employees with a lot of responsibilities, commitments and work life situations. However Hein (2005) argued that family-friendly policies and practices can assist employees with the complexity of work life issues. Hein (2005) explain further that even though policies and practices exist, however employees tend to be hesitant to proceed to use them because of career concerns or the fact that line managers discourage them from using it. All the authors here are simply emphasizing that employers should create a family-friendly organisational culture approach where employees and senior managers must be in favour of such practices and should be seen using the same practices. Summary Reviewing the literature studied indicated by various authors, foster the linked with job satisfaction and commitment to work life balance. The concept of this seems that the authors all have a one-sided view to work life balance and the effects to employees performances, commitments and at the same time organization effectiveness. The evidence illustrates supports that the propensity for negative outcome of performance to arise is expected to hinder productivity, especially when there are conflicts between managing time for non-work and work related issues. To present a link with the literature review, an evaluation of the methods of research carried out to conclude to findings of employees would be employed in the next chapter.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Skew Detection of Devanagari Script Using Pixels

Skew Detection of Devanagari Script Using Pixels Skew Detection of Devanagari Script Using Pixels of Axes-Parallel Rectangle and Linear Regression Trupti A. Jundale Ravindra S. Hegadi Abstract—Skew detection and correction of handwritten data is one of the difficult tasks in pattern recognition area. Here we illustrate the method for skew detection and correction of Devanagari handwritten script. The proposed approach works for single skew. The input images for this research are collected from various writers and contain single/uniform skew words/lines. The proposed approach uses tangential pixels of axes parallel rectangle and linear regression method to calculate the skew of word/line. Finally rotation transformation is used for correction of skew of word/line which is calculated by linear regression. This technique achieves 89% accuracy to correct skew of word and achieves 93% accuracy to correct skew of line for handwritten Devanagari script. Index Terms—Preprocessing, Axes-parallel rectangle, Linear Regression, Skew detection, Skew correction I. Introduction The frequency of digital document extends to develop at a brisk rate in spite of the usage of paper based documents. As a result, the renovation of paper documents to its electronic version and its consequent image processing and understanding have been converted into a vital application area in computer vision and pattern recognition researches. With recent emergence and widespread application of multimedia technologies, there is an increasing demand to create a paperless environment, hence, document image processing in general and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in particular is playing an important role in transformation of the traditional paper based environment to truly paperless electronic environment[3]. Devanagari is one of the mainly used and espouses writing system in the world. The national/official language of India (Hindi) and Nepal (Nepali) uses Devanagari Script. Many other languages like Marathi (state language of Maharashtra), Sanskrit, Kashmiri, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Bodo, Dogri etc. comes under Devanagari Script. As India’s national language uses Devanagari script, lot of official data is in written format before the era of digitization. So in the today’s world of digitization, it is needed to keep record of handwritten/printed data in digital form. To make this, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system is carried out. The detection and correction of skew is one of the essential steps in any character recognition or document processing system. Because of the writing genre of the Devanagari script, it is difficult to detect skew as compared to any other script. The writing style of every person may vary so there is presence of multiple skew in data. Skew is t he angle which diverges from x-axis. The successful skew detection and correction turns next process like analysis of character or OCR to be accurate. The document may contain three type of skew: single/uniform skew, multiple skew and non-uniform skew. Single/uniform skew is, when all text lines in a document have same orientation. Multiple skew is, when some text lines have different orientation than other and non-uniform skew is, when orientation changes within a line. There is lot of research available for skew detection of scanned document image but less work is available for skew detection of text/word. II. Devanagari script One of the main parts of Brahmic family is a Devanagari Script, which is belonging from Indo-Aryan languages. It is written from left to right. Unlike Latin script, concept of upper/lower case is absent in Devanagari script. It consists of 33 consonants and 14 vowels. Generally every word written in most of the Devanagari Script will have a header line on group of characters, called as ‘Shirorekha’ and this is considered as one word [7]. Vowels that can be written as separate characters or by using diacritic marks on below, upper, before or after consonants are called modifiers. In Devanagari script, two or three consonants can be written as a single character, which is known as compound character. Fig.1 shows different features of Devanagari script. Fig. 1. Devanagari Script Word The main characters of word are written in middle zone. Upper zone and lower zone are for modifiers and Shirorekha is drawn at header line. In Fig.1 two characters are combined to form a new shape of single character known as compound character. III. Related Work In the literature, algorithms that estimate the angle at which a text/document image is rotated are surveyed. The broad classes of technique are identified, which include methods that calculate skew from Hough transform, horizontal projection profile, Fourier transform, nearest-neighbour or principal component analysis. The basic method used by each class of technique is presented and the contributions of individual algorithms within each class are discussed. Hough Transform: One of the best feature extraction technique used in digital image processing and computer vision is Hough Transform. It is mainly used for detection of regular curves such as lines, ellipses, circles etc. The simplest case of Hough transform is the linear transform for detecting straight lines. The line in the image space is just a single point in the parameter space. [1] uses Hough transform method for detection of document skew. A novel skew correction algorithm is proposed focusing on boundary line that optimizes speed and accuracy by using Hough transform to get the skew corrected licences plate images in [2]. Fourier Transform: In this method first 2-D Fourier transform will be applied to the image plane. Then, coefficients of the power spectrum are calculated and stored in a spectrum. A directional criterion for each angle is then calculated. The angle that maximizes the directional criterion is assumed to give the skew angle of the image. Projection Profile: Projection Profile can be a horizontal projection profile or vertical projection profile. The horizontal/vertical projection profile is a histogram of the number of black pixels along horizontal/vertical scan lines. In projection profiles, histogram is created at each possible angle and a ‘cost function’ is applied to this histogram. The skew angle is the angle at which this cost function is maximized. Mostly horizontal projection profile method is used for scanned document skew detection. [6] exploits the unique property of the writing line of Arabic script and is based on connected component analysis and projection profiles. Skew detection of fabric images scheme based on morphological method and projection profile analysis is proposed in [8]. Nearest Neighbour: In Nearest Neighbour method histogram of the direction angle is computed. [5] uses a Focused Nearest Neighbour Clustering (FNNC) of interest points and the analysis of paragraphs/lines. Chains with a largest possible number of nearest neighbour pairs are selected and their slopes are computed to give the skew angle of document image. Other than these techniques, one-step skew and orientation detection method using a well-established geometric text-line model is used in [11]. The advantage of this method is that it combines accurate skew estimation with robust, resolution-independent orientation detection. [12] proposed a Rectangular Active Contour Model (RAC Model) for content region detection and skew angle calculation by imposing a rectangular shape constraint on the zero-level set in Chain-Vese Model (C-V Model) according to the rectangular feature of content regions in document images. B. V. Dhandra, [13] uses image dilation and region labelling approach for binary document skew detection. Apart from this, fast and robust skew estimation techniques like a bilinear filtering model which is used to detect edges existing in the document, COG (Centre of Gravity) method are used in the literature. IV. Proposed Methodology This section illustrates the proposed methodology for skew detection and correction. Section A describes pre-processing step. Section B describes extraction of axes parallel rectangle pixels. Skew detection using linear regression is described in C. Section D describes skew correction technique and last section E describes steps of proposed algorithm. A. Pre-processing The input to the system is a word or a line of single/uniform skew of handwritten Devanagari script which is scanned by optical scanner or captured by digital camera. Acquired input is pre-processed for removing noise. Firstly input image is converted into gray scale image and then thresholding is applied over for converting given image into binary image containing only black and white pixels. In this binarized image, white pixels represent background and black pixels represent foreground. B. Axes-Parallel Rectangle This stage calculates the area of axes-parallel rectangle. The angle with the least area of the axes-parallel rectangle represents the skew angle. Outer tangential pixels of an input word/line are used to form an axes-parallel rectangle. Figure 2 shows tangential pixels of skewed one are embedded into an axes-parallel rectangle. Fig. 2 (a) Skewed rectangle fitted in an Axes-parallel rectangle (b) Rectangle with zero skew. C. Skew Detection After getting required pixels using axes-parallel rectangle, linear regression formula is used to detect skew of word/line. Regression analysis can be used to identify the line or curve which provides the best fit through a set of data points. Linear regression analyzes the relation between two variables, X and Y. The variables X and Y are known and the problem is to fit best straight line through X and Y. In general, the goal of linear regression is to find the line that best predicts Y from X. Linear regression does this by finding the line that minimizes the sum of the squares of the vertical distances of the points from line. Linear regression does not test whether the data are linear. It assumes that the data is linear, and finds the slope and intercept that make a straight line best fit the given data. The goal of linear regression is to adjust the values of slope and intercept to find the line that best predicts Y from X. Fig. 3 (a) Plot of data without best-fit line (b) Plot of data with best-fit line. This is the simple linear regression model where à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢0 and à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢1 are unknown constants and à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¥ is the residual error. To fit the regression line in the equation of the data (x1, y1), (x2, y2),..,(xn, yn) by finding best match between the line and the data. The best choice of à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢0+à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢1 will be chosen to minimize, This is called the least square fit. The equation (2) implies à ¯Ã†â€™Ã¢â‚¬ º After little algebra, get where and (4) Equation (3) gives slope of the regression line and Equation (4) gives the intercept. The slope of the line is nothing but the skew angle of our word/line. Fig.4 shows the slope and intercept of a best fit line. Fig. 4 Slope and intercept of a best fit line After calculating slope using linear regression, skew is calculated using the formula, This gives the required skew of word. D. Skew Correction After the skew angle of the word/line has been detected, the word/line must be rotated in order to correct this skew. Various methods used for skew correction are direct method, indirect method and contour-oriented method etc. The direct method uses rotation transformation in which corresponding pixels in the input image will be transformed to new location by using equation (1) (5) Where (x, y) are the co-ordinates of pixels belonging to the word for which skew has to be detected and (x’, y’) are the co-ordinates of pixels belonging to the word after correction. For a pixel (x’, y’) in the output image, the indirect method finds corresponding pixel in the input image and assigns a value of (x’, y’) to (x, y) using Equation (2). (6) We apply direct method for skew correction which simply rotate calculated skew angle to horizontal angle. The detected angle by linear regression is corrected by applying rotation transformation. The word/line is rotated with ÃŽ ¸ angle. The word/line is corrected by rotating at positive angle if the skew detection angle is negative and corrected by rotating at negative angle if skew detection angle is positive. E. Algorithm Step 1: Accept the input image which may be word or line. Step 2: Convert the given input into binary by using thresholding method. Step 3: Calculate the axes-parallel rectangle of binary image by finding minimum row and minimum column pixels. Step 4: Apply linear regression, Equation (3), to detect the skew of axes-parallel rectangle, which is the skew of original word/line. Step 5: Using Equation (6), correct the skew angle of word/line. V. Experimental Result We tested our algorithm for input images of handwritten document for Hindi and Marathi languages. The algorithm is tested on 500 words and 300 lines of Devanagari script. The accuracy rate for skew correction of word is 89% and accuracy rate for uniform skew correction of line is 93%.Mostly the word with single character or small size length does not give accurate result because of the lack of a sufficient number of minima points. Table I shows the sample results of words with skew detection of positive and negative angle and skew correction of all these. Results of word skew Figure 5 shows skew detection and correction of uniform skew line. We tested our algorithm for document with single/uniform skew and for skewed printed document also. For these kinds of input images, algorithm runs successfully. VI. Conclusion We have proposed a methodology for skew detection and correction of word and line of handwritten Devanagari script. The slope of best line fit using linear regression algorithm is used for skew detection and it is corrected by simply rotating word/line by calculated angle. This method is tested on handwritten data of Hindi and Marathi language. The word dataset is collected from various writers for testing purpose which contains 500 words and 300 lines. The proposed approach can be modified for future work to get higher accuracy and for detection of documents contain multiple or non-uniform skew text. Fig. 5 (a) Skewed line (b) Axes-parallel rectangle of skewed line (c) Skew correction of line VII. References Deepak Kumar, Dalwinder Singh, â€Å"Modified approach of Hough transform for skew detection and correction in documented images†, International Journal of Research in Computer Science, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 37-40, April 2012. Arulmozhi K., Perumal S. A., Priyadarshini C.S.T., Nallaperumal K., â€Å"Image refinement using skew angle detection and correction for Indian licences plates†, Computational Intelligence Computing Research (ICCIC), IEEE, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2012. B.V.Dhandra, H.Mallikarjun, Ravindra Hegadi, V.S.Malemath, â€Å"Word-wise Script Identification from Bilingual Documents Based on Morphological Reconstruction†, Visual Information Engineering, IEEE, pp 389-395, 2006. Kleber, Florian, Markus Diem, Robert Sablatnig, Robust Skew Estimation of Handwritten and Printed Documents Based on Grayvalue Images, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 3020 – 3025, Aug. 2014. Ahmad Irfan, A Technique for Skew Detection of Printed Arabic Documents, Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV), IEEE, pp. 62-67, Aug. 2013. Trupti A. Jundale, Ravindra S. Hegadi, â€Å"Skew Detection and Correction of Devanagari Script Using Hough Transform†, International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, Procedia of Computer Science, Journal of Elsevier, March2015, in press. Liu, Zhoufeng, Jie Huang, Chunlei Li, Skew detection of fabric images based on edge detection and projection profile analysis, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 122, pp 483-488, 2012. H. K. Kwag, S. H. Kim, S. H. Jeony and G. S. Lee, â€Å"Efficient skew estimation and correction algorithm for document images†, Image and vision Computing, Vol. 20, pp. 25-35, Jan. 2002. van Beusekom, Joost, Faisal Shafait, and Thomas M. Breuel, Combined orientation and skew detection using geometric text-line modeling, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp 79-92, June 2010. Fan, Huijie, Linlin Zhu, and Yandong Tang, Skew detection in document images based on rectangular active contour, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 13.4, pp 261-269, Dec. 2010. B. V. Dhandra, V. S. Malemath, H. Mallikarjun and R. Hegadi, â€Å"Skew detection in binary image documents based on image dilation and region labelling approach† International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE, Vol. 2. pp 954-957, 2006.

Five Past Midnight in Bhopal Essay -- Environment, Methyl Isocyanate,

Union Carbide owned and operated a pesticide factory in Bhopal, which at one point was a gift to the city’s people and economy. However, an explosion released the toxic chemical methyl isocyanate or MIC into the air, killing thousands of innocent people in cities in close proximity to the plant and exposing many more to its effects. Union Carbide as a company prided itself on its safety standards. However, several oversights would give rise to this disastrous event. Carbide neglected to explain the dangers of MIC, to design the factory properly, and to operate the factory in a safe manner successfully. In this paper, I will argue that Union Carbide’s negligence caused the release of the toxins and the poor immediate response. MIC itself is a highly volatile and deadly substance that is used in the production of the pesticide, Sevin. Carbide neglected to explain the dangers of this substance on several fronts. First, Carbide studied the substance thoroughly in order to construct a manual designed to instruct workers on how to handle MIC properly. However, they neglected to include knowledge of an antidote to MIC in the manual. "Injection with sodium thiosulfate could, in certain cases, neutralize the deadly effects of the gas." (Bhopal, 92) If Carbide had included this information in the manual, then all of the employees, including the medical staff, would have a purported treatment in the event of an accident. This treatment could have saved the lives of many people in a disaster. Secondly, not only did the medical staff lack knowledge of an antidote, but also they â€Å"did not have any specific training in the effects of gas-related accidents, especially those caused by methyl isocyanate." (Bho pal, 167) The company ... ...egligence on all fronts allowed for the opportunity of the worst-case scenario to take place. The people of Bhopal had a right to a clean environment and air. Union Carbide knew the critical information about the gas and had a professional responsibility to uphold its obligation by not releasing toxic gas into the atmosphere and by making sure their employees followed all procedures. The company knew that a disaster of this magnitude was possible beforehand. Therefore, they knew the consequences that would occur from a failure on their part to correctly operate their factory. Carbide showed a lack of care in operating the factory where a moral obligation to the safety of the people was clearly present. Therefore, Union Carbide’s negligence is responsible for the release of toxic MIC into the air and the poor immediate response to the disaster.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Civil War Essay Before 1861, no one in the USA ever imagined that their country would be torn apart by a savage civil war that would cost over 620,000 lives and shake the foundations of our government to the roots. The American Civil War had many causes, famous battles, influential figures, and outcomes. As of the 1850s the Mason-Dixon Line separated the North from the South, even as Lincoln and the rest of the government tried to keep the country together. Their best efforts failed, and America was thrust into a bloody civil war. The Civil War really began, though, in peoples' minds, as the most important causes all began...with a debate. Slavery was one of the factors that played a key role in the causes of the Civil War. The Missouri Compromise was a debate began as to whether Maine and Missouri would enter the Union as free or slave states. To be fair to the rule of the Mason-Dixon Line, Maine was admitted as a free state, and Missouri, even though it was also in the north, would enter as a slave state. The Compromise of 1850 dealt with whether California, Utah, and New Mexico would be slave or free. California was admitted as a free state, but since it made the ratio of slave to free states unequal, " it also stated that the territories of New Mexico and Utah would determine for themselves whether to become slave or free states."(Wise) The Kansas-Nebraska Act decided that any territory that became a state would have the right to vote on whether it would be slave or free, which made Northerners angry because it changed the terms of the Missouri Compromise. The constant flux of the issue of slavery grew during the years leading up to the war, as the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1859, and the Kansas-Nebraska act con... ...t a few days after the end of the war, and Lee's surrender marked the end of the Civil War and slavery. Each of these outcomes had a significant effect over the years to come in American history. The American Civil war's causes, influential figures, bloody battles, and outcomes will and have left a mark on history forever. It shaped America's future and redefined the phrase "all men are created equal" as well as being a precursor for the Civil Rights Movement a century later. The Civil War made all people consider their Nation's stability and woke them up to the reality of civil war that would repeat in other countries again and again. America came out of it a battered and bruised yet stronger still country, and to this day it strives to maintain this caliber of honor and strength. It seems the saying,"no pain, no gain," has been made manifest in American history.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cross †Cultural Analysis Essay

â€Å"When starting a business a cultural analysis needs to be done if the business targets a range of audience from several locations† Globalization is an inevitable process in the 21st Century, and so is the cross – culturalization. The world is becoming more and more homogeneous, and distinctions between national markets are not only fading but for some products its disappearing. This means that marketing is now becoming a world common discipline. However, on the other hand, the differences among nations, regions, language, regulatory environment, past heritage, ethnic groups, etc in terms of cultural factors still exist in the market place and having obvious impact on the marketing practices of the business organizations. From a marketing point of view it is very important for marketers to realize that the markets in the 21st century are cross-cultural markets and to be aware of and sensitive to the cultural differences is a major premise for the success in the 21st Century marketplace. The following aspects should be vital to be considered by a business: * cultural impacts on marketing (international versus domestic) * cross-cultural dimensions of marketing research * cross-cultural aspects of marketing mix (products, price, promotion, and distribution) * cross-cultural marketing education and professional training * cross-cultural practice in electronic marketing Cross-cultural marketing can be seen as the strategic process of marketing among consumers whose culture differs from that of the marketer’s own culture at least in one of the fundamental cultural aspects, such as language, religion, social norms and values, education, and the living style. From the anthropological perspective all market behaviours are culture-bound. Therefore, in order to match the marketing mix with consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, and product-use patterns in a potential market, marketers must have a thorough understanding of the cultural environment of that market. Some Real World Examples for Cross-cultural Marketing To what extent culture of a particular market place has influenced the marketing practices of business corporate can be understood by analyzing each element of the marketing mix (4 Ps’ i.e. product, price, promotion and place). (1)Product * Pizza Hut and Domino’s in India 1992: Paneer on a pizza! 1997: Paneer on a pizza? 2002: Paneer on a pizza. Same statement, same concept but the noticeable thing is the change in the attitude. It started from â€Å"absolute disbelief† to â€Å"why not† to â€Å"calm acceptance†. It shows how foreign based multinational companies have changed their product according to the taste of the indigenous of a country. In this case one element of the marketing mix, product has been changed to cope up with the existing culturally bound taste of Indians. Pizza Hut and Domino’s now serve Tandoori, Paneer and Chettinad toppings which are absolutely new menu for these MNCs but culturally accepted traditional foodstuffs for Indians. * Maggi in India Noodles were alright for dinner once in a while and it is accepted in other countries as well but it was unsuccessful in India. Since Indians consider idly, dosa, chappathi, etc as their dinner menu. Then Maggi wanted another marketing strategy to sell its product and it marketed Maggi as a snack not as a dinner and succeeded in the market. This also reveals how culturally bounded practices impact the marketing strategies. They also went along with curry flavour, tomato flavour, etc in India.* Swarovski in India Swarovski is a Czech Republic based crystal venture incorporated in 1895. Swarovski India (Pvt) Ltd faced a difficulty in marketing crystals in India primarily. In the European and Western countries crystal is considered as a valuable gift item and initially they marketed their crystal as in the same manner in India but they struggled to capture the market due to the existing cultural aspects. Indians had a sentiment about gold and silver as ideal gifts for a bride or a bridegroom and they are culturally taught that gold and silver are the ideal gift for every occasion. Swarovski there after realized the need for Indianization and came up with an alternative product. They introduced crystal studded sarees firstly and now they are offering a collection of sarees, blouses, odhnis, and salwar kameezes studded with crystals. * MTV and V Channel in India Youth of India expects music which is some what related to their culture and prefer the styles like bhangra which is a traditional Indian music style. Realizing these desires, western channels like MTV and V channel has included Indian pop, a kind of fusion music of India into their charts. (2)Price * KFC and McDonalds in Sri Lanka MNCs like KFC and McDonals are giving their primary concern to the price they charge from Sri Lankans since people in Sri Lanka are more conscious about the prices of product than the quality. Even the displays they use to show their products, specifically display the price of each product. This proves that these MNCs are amending their marketing strategies regarding price to suit Sri Lankan market. (3)Promotion Marketing cross culturally consist advertisements as it foremost part, which directly appeal the target market. Promotions in the sense it mainly includes advertisements and the cultural issues relating to those advertisements should be precisely dealt in order to capture the market through a healthy relationship with the target market. For this purpose most of the MNCs utilize the technique called â€Å"Advertising Localization†. It is not a mere change of designation stemming from computer science vocabulary but a radical change of perspective concerning the real nature and modes of linguistic and cultural transfer from one language into an other. * Coke Advertisements in India Coca cola uses different celebrities in each region of India to communicate more effectively with the target market by considering their cultural variabilities. They use Aamir Khan in North India, Vijay in Tamil Nadu, Jyothika in Andhra Pradesh and Aishwarya Rai in rest of India endorsing the same Coca-Cola. This shows the perspective of marketers that the people will feel more comfortable when they see a person from their own cultural background in advertisements and feel positive toward their products. In Sri Lankan context Santhosh and Bathiya endorse Coke and the concept of the advertisement is carefully designed to reflect the local culture in each frame. * Toyota Advertisements Toyota used a pregnant, naked woman in their advertisements and this was accepted by some countries and where as some countries protested against it and Toyota later withdrew the advertisement. This shows how the cultural believes of people influence the marketing practices of business organizations. (4)Place * Dilmah Distribution in The Global Market Dilmah uses several methods of distribution in several countries. It operates in 93 global markets and it has its own distribution mode through its regional channels in certain countries and where as in other several countries it uses a native prominent goods distributor for their tea. In countries like Australia, USA, and European countries it uses its own distribution channels where the customers believe in manufacturer own brand and distribution. In certain countries like Jordan, UAE, etc. it uses a native goods distributor to distribute their tea since these customers buy the products which comes from their own distributors. Cultural Influences Since culture is a wide spread phenomenon which cannot be separately identified from the group of people who share a set of accepted behaviors, customs, and values, it is obvious that the impact of such shared culture would result in all sorts of decision makings of the human beings. Such impacts can be mainly seen in the following perspectives. * In the General Point of View: For example; language, body language, punctuation, negotiation styles, gestures, etc. can be given. * In the Human Relationship Point of View: For example; employee relationship, customer relationship, supplier relationship, stakeholder relationship, etc. can be pointed out. * In the Marketing Point of View: The impact that culture would have on the 4Ps. Aspects to Consider When Starting a New Business Which is Believed to Have Cultural Impacts Even though cross cultural clashes create barriers they also provide challenges for the international businesses where those challenges encourage the business to develop further. All it is required to have a comprehensive knowledge about the impacts of the culture on the international business and prepared with all sorts of precautionary actions to be successive. The followings can be provided as recommendations to be successful in the global business; * Doing a thorough market research * Doing internal research to identify the cultural impacts among the employees * Adaptation to the differences * Developing commonly accepted standards which to be followed by all the stakeholders of the business * Customization to a greater extent